菅沼久義 incarnant Eddy Wheeler

Épisodes 154

Le voleur de toupies

8 janvier 200123m

En retard pour son combat de Beyblade avec Andrew, Tyson découvre en arrivant sur place Carlos, un inconnu en train de voler les toupies. Défié par celui-ci, Tyson relève le gant et bat facilement son adversaire... Mais un autre joueur se présente : Kaï ! Tyson et lui se préparent à combattre...

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Le jour du dragon

15 janvier 200123m

Tyson et Kai disputent un match, et à sa grande surprise, Tyson perd rapidement ! Le chef, Kenny, lui suggère de mettre en place une stratégie solide s'il veut battre Kaï. Tyson rentre donc chez lui pour s'entraîner...

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Le maximum

22 janvier 200123m

Max, nouveau venu dans la bande, montre à Tyson que rien n'est impossible pour celui qui s'entraîne comme il se doit. Entre les deux garçons, l'amitié grandit au point que Kenny se sent mis sur la touche...

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Les qualifications commencent

29 janvier 200123m

Le tournoi régional de qualification a démarré et Tyson, Max, Ray et Kenny s'y sont inscrits pour voir s'ils peuvent détrôner Kaï, le champion en titre. Les présentateurs officiels sont Frank Best et Arthur Topper. Kenny est le premier à concourir mais sans spectre dans sa toupie... Il est vaincu rapidement par Kaï...

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5 février 200123m

Max ne peut rien contre Kaï ; le combat semble perdu d'avance, lorsqu'apparaît le médaillon de sa grand-mère avec le spectre, connu sous le nom de Draciel. Soudain, l'espoir renaît !

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L'orage de Dragoon

12 février 200123m

C'est la dernière ligne droite dans le tournoi de qualification. Tyson doit se mesurer à Raï en demi-finale. Durant la première manche, son moral en prend un coup lorsque Raï détruit sa toupie avec sa célèbre "griffe du tigre". S'il ne répare pas sa toupie à temps, Tyson sera disqualifié pour la seconde manche...

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Treize bougies

19 février 200123m

C'est le grand jour pour Tyson ; il affronte Kaï dans un duel comptant pour le championnat national de Beyblade... Mais ce qu'il a oublié, c'est que c'est aussi le jour de son anniversaire !

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Duels de rues

26 février 200123m

Tyson et son équipe préparent le championnat du monde de Hong-Kong. Tyson semble rejeter sa nouvelle équipe et les entraîne dans une chasse à travers les rues de la ville, l'endroit rêvé pour se perfectionner grâce à des duels avec des Beybladers mystérieux...

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Rencontre à Hong-Kong

5 mars 200123m

Lors d'une escale à Hong-Kong, alors qu'ils se rendent au grand tournoi asiatique de Beyblade, nos héros rencontrent l'ancienne bande de Ray, les White Tigers. C'est la confrontation et bien malin qui pourrait en désigner les vainqueurs !

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Duel en plein ciel

12 mars 200123m

Dans la première partie du tournoi asiatique, les Bladebreakers sont opposés aux Tall Boys... Quant aux White Tigers, l'ancienne équipe de Ray, ils attendent en coulisse...

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Le tricheur

19 mars 200123m

La nuit précédant le grand tournoi asiatique, Kevin tente de pirater des données dans l'ordinateur de Kenny. Pris sur le fait, il doit affronter Ray en duel...

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À la recherche du spectre

26 mars 200123m

Après avoir compris que son spectre est parti, Ray prend la route des montagnes où il espère le récupérer. Tyson et Mariah le rejoignent et le forcent à choisir entre les deux équipes...

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Le tigre caché

2 avril 200123m

Les White Tigers affrontent les Spin Shephards en quart de finale du grand tournoi asiatique. Lorsque Ray se rend compte que Lee utilise lui aussi l'attaque de la griffe du tigre, il se voit obligé de dévoiler son mystérieux passé à ses coéquipiers...

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Passons aux choses sérieuses !

9 avril 200123m

Ce sont les demi-finales du tournoi asiatique. Tyson fait la grasse matinée et tout le monde part au tournoi sauf Ray, qui est chargé de réveiller Tyson. Quelque temps plus tard, au stade, l'inquiétude règne chez les Bladebreakers, car il n'y a toujours pas de Tyson et un retard de sa part risque de provoquer l'élimination de toute l'équipe ! Ray et Tyson, pris dans des embouteillages, décident de continuer leur route à pieds mais brusquement, Ray se foule une cheville, ce qui oblige Tyson à faire tout le chemin en le portant. L'élimination est proche mais, surprise, Kai demande qu'un délai soit accordé à Tyson !

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Pour l'or

16 avril 200123m

Max doit affronter Gary des White Tigers en finale du championnat asiatique de Beyblade ; la partie se déroule en trois manches. Max remporte aisément le premier duel, mais ce succès facile lui monte à la tête, et Gary, lui, n'a pas dit son dernier mot !

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Ami ou ennemi

23 avril 200123m

Ce sont les finales du tournoi asiatique. Ray et Mariah doivent s'affronter ; heureusement, leur vieille amitié remonte à la surface et ils comprennent qu'ils ont tout à perdre en étant rivaux...

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Jeu décisif

30 avril 200123m

Se retrouvant en finale face à Lee, Tyson ne peut faire mieux qu'un match nul ! Le jeu décisif se déroulera entre Lee et Ray, anciens amis et adversaires. Leurs vieilles rancunes resurgissent alors !

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La naissance d'une star

7 mai 200123m

Tyson, qui a gagné le tournoi, se prend pour une super star et méprise Kenny, qui le pousse à s'entraîner... Plus tard, il repère Nicky, un Beyblader de rue, et l'aide à gagner contre Riley, qui lui aussi crânait et méprisait tout le monde. Lors d'une réunion secrète, il prend connaissance de la prochaine mission de Kaï...

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Sous le microscope

14 mai 200123m

Les Bladebreakers retournent aux États-Unis pour le tournoi de la conférence américaine. Max découvre avec stupéfaction que sa mère travaille pour la ligue de Beyblade...

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Tout est relatif

21 mai 200123m

Emily, des "All Starz", perd un duel au centre de recherche de la Fédération. Les Bladebreakers fouinent pour trouver du matériel haute technologie et sont appelés à affronter deux autres "All Starz". Max comprend alors mieux le travail de sa mère à la Fédération et pourquoi il n'a pas intégré l'équipe des "All Starz"...

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Atteindre la perfection

28 mai 200123m

Pour une raison étrange, M. Dickenson envoie les Bladebreakers dans un refuge de montagne isolé pour parfaire leurs compétences en Blading pour le tournoi américain à venir, et aussi pour que Kenny et Dizzi trouvent un moyen d'augmenter la puissance de Ray. Une fois là-bas, ils rencontrent un jeune garçon enthousiaste nommé Antonio qui est là pour les former. Mais il s'avère qu'Antonio est un blader pathétique. Frustrés, les Breakers remettent en question la raison pour laquelle M. Dickenson leur a fait faire tout ce chemin jusqu'au milieu de nulle part pour les former sans aucun équipement décent. Le Président BBA avait une arrière-pensée - pour enseigner aux garçons une leçon précieuse sur l'importance de la pratique. Même Kenny apprend de cela et est en mesure d'ajuster la lame de Ray de quelques crans.

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Duel dans les étoiles

4 juin 200123m

When Max participates in a charity Beyblade event, he must teach Emily what team work is all about. Can he succeed?

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Révélation à Las Vegas

11 juin 200123m

The American tournament begins in Las Vegas. Will Kai decide to show the All Starz his true power?

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Vive Las Vegas

18 juin 200123m

The Blade Breakers decide to study the All Starz moves so they can become stronger. Will they succeed?

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Autoroute vers la gloire

25 juin 200123m

When Tyson gets a stomachache before the semi-finals, Kai must step up and take his place. Can the Bladebreakers keep their momentum going in the mysterious New Jersey Turnpike?

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Affronter un All Starz

2 juillet 200123m

Tyson's health is restored before the finals, so he gets ready to battle again. Can Max help them realize he can defeat his mom's team, or will Kai get the final spot?

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Le grand tournoi américain

9 juillet 200123m

The finals continue. Can the Blade Breakers muster the strength to win, or will the All Starz become the new American Champions?

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La finale

16 juillet 200123m

It's Max versus Michael for the American team championship. Which team will end up being victorious?

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Mémoires vives

23 juillet 200123m

Kenny ponders how the Bladebreakers got together, and he wonders what the next touranment will bring.

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Rencontre en mer

30 juillet 200123m

When the Bladebreakers run into Robert on a ship to Russia, they realize just how much their bitbeasts need to develop. Can they learn how to gain the strength needed?

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L'appel de Londres

6 août 200123m

When the Bladebreakers arrive in London, a mysterious tape about evil bitbeasts is waiting for Tyson. Can they interpret what Tyson's father is trying to tell them before they encounter an evil bitbeast, or is it already to late?

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Le tunnel hanté

13 août 200123m

The Dark Bladers try once again to steal the Bladebreakers bitbeasts and turn them evil in a subway tunnel. Will they succeed?

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Les mystères de Paris

20 août 200123m

The Blade Breakers arrive in Paris, but the Dark Bladers follow them there. Can the Blade Breakers handle one more battle with the Dark Bladers, or will additional and unexpected help come to save them?

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Une visite à Paris

27 août 200123m

Tyson determines to battle the blader named Oliver, but does he have any chance at victory?

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Duel à Rome

3 septembre 200123m

The Blade Breakers arrive in Rome to battle against their next opponent, Enrique. Can Tyson finally successfully defeat one of Europe's top bladers, or will he learn that he has a lot of skills to develop?

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Déjà vu

10 septembre 200123m

Tyson determines that he must defeat Enrique if his reputation as a top Beyblader is to be restored, but when Oliver arrives it becomes 2 of Europe's top bladers against Tyson's ego. Can he figure out a way to show that bitbeasts should be used for more than just power?

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Échec et mat

17 septembre 200123m

Enrique and Oliver take the Blade Breakers to Robert's mansion, but can Tyson get his rematch against Robert, or will this Johnny character interfer?

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Défi à Olympie

24 septembre 200123m

The Blade Breakers decide to challenge Robert, Johnny, Enrique, and Oliver to a team battle. They accept, but can ""The Majestics"" work together as a team when they've been individual fighters their entire life?

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Un travail d'équipe

1 octobre 200123m

It's Kai versus Johnny and Tyson versus Robert for the right to go to the World Championships in Russia. Who will win the bout?

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Ça chauffe au pays du froid

8 octobre 200123m

A mysterious man named Boris invites the Bladebreakers to his physilities for a practice battle. Should they trust him, and if they do, then can they win the battle?

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Les ombres du passé

15 octobre 200123m

Kai investigates Boris' Abbey since he feels some sort of draw to it. What will he find? Also, Max meets up with the All Starz and Ray meets up with the White Tigers. Why have they come to Russia?

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Plongeon dans les ténèbres

22 octobre 200123m

Kai must choose whether he wants the power of Dark Dranzer or the friendship of the Blade Breakers. Which will he decide?

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29 octobre 200123m

While the Bladebreakers try and find out what Kai's doing, the All Starz get ready to scrimmage the Demolition Boys, but when Kai shows up on the Demolition Boys and challenges all 4 All Starz at once, you know fire works will erupt. What will he do?

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Losing Kai

5 novembre 200123m

The White Tigers determine to get revenge on Kai for the All Starz, but will they need to when Tyson and the Bladebreakers decide to try and talk some sense into Kai?

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Briser la glace

12 novembre 200123m

Kai decides he wants all of the bitbeast, so he challenges the Bladebreakers to a match. Will they stand a chance without Max, who's with his mom at the airport?

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Le premier raid

19 novembre 200123m

Kai and Tyson's father appear to let everyone know what Biovalt is really up to. Can the Bladebreakers find a way to stop them?

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Une leçon pour Tyson

26 novembre 200123m

The Majestics show up in Russia with a challenge for the Bladebreakers, defeat them in a match, or lose their bitbeasts. Why have they come to Russia, and why do they want the Bladebreakes bitbeasts?

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La victoire dans la défaite

3 décembre 200123m

Kai is given a tempting offer from his grandfather Voltaire, use dark Dranzer, or risk losing Dranzer forever. Will he give in?

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Qui sème le vent...

10 décembre 200123m

With Kai losing in the first round, Ray must find some way to even up the score. Can he find the strength to do so, and if he does, will he risk losing Drigger forever?

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Le cyber-beyblader

17 décembre 200123m

When Tala gets cyber implants and Tyson gets new blading equipment, you know their match strategy's are bound to change, but just how will the changes affect the championship?

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Feu d'artifice final

24 décembre 200123m

A grave meeting is held between the Majestics, Kevin of the White Tigers, and the Dark Bladers in case Tyson should lose the match. Can Tyson survive in this other dimension, or will the Demolition Boys become World Champions and rulers?

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Shot Down in Flames!

7 janvier 200230m

Tyson starts the new season arrogant as always. There is a new blader in town called Mr. X. Can Tyson defeat him?

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The Search for Mr. X

14 janvier 200230m

Tyson is more determined than ever to face Mr. X again. Meanwhile Ray and Max are defeated by mysterious bladers as well. Is Chief to late to stop Tyson from battling Mr. X again?

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Unseen and Unleashed

21 janvier 200230m

Chief in on his way to tell Tyson what he has learned about the three mysterious bladers. We find out Mr. X's name is Ozuma. Chief, Tyson, and Hilary are to mee to discuss tactics. When Tyson arrives to meet the other two they are gone. What happened to them?

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Searching for Dragoon

28 janvier 200230m

Tyson has to track down what happened to Chief and Hilary. He is led to a run down boat that transports him to a room with a glass front. Can Tyson save his two friends?

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Guess Who's Back in Town?

4 février 200230m

Chief can only assume that since Tyson, Ray, and Max have been defeated by mysterious bladers that Kai is next. Is Chief right? Meanwhile Kai is back in school and meets a guy named Wyatt.

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The Magtram Threat

11 février 200230m

Gideon, the one who is bhind the kidnapping of Chief and Hilary, has got him a new recruit by the name of Snakey. Can Snakey defeat Tyson and Dragoon?

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The Reunion Begins

18 février 200230m

After reviewing Tyson and Snakey's battle Dizzi and Chief figure out Snakey was using a Magtram-enhanced Beyblade. The same metal that was used on the boat Tyson was on. Gideon has a team called Team Psykick. Can the Bladebreakers defeat Team Psykick?

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Return of the Bladebreakers!

25 février 200230m

The newly reunited Bladebreakers begin training for their upcoming battle with Team Psykick. Armed with the new MG Core, which will give the team complete control of their blades, one question comes to mind. Can they manage to learn to use the core correctly?

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La Isla Bey-Nita

4 mars 200230m

The Bladebreakers are trapped on an island. Max is the first to battle against a character named Chameleon, but what tricks does Chameleon have in store for him, and why did team Psykick drag them all the way out to an unknown island?

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The Island of No Return

11 mars 200230m

Ray is next to battle a guy named Bat, who can see in the dark. Can Ray overcome not seeing in the dark to keep his bitbeast Driger?

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The Evil Island of Dr. B

18 mars 200230m

After Kai's win against Figel, he joins Kenny and Hilary to resume their journey to the lighthouse. From there the heroes hope to get a clear satellite signal to call for help. Will they be able to call for help before Daryl takes on the wounded Tyson?

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Bring Me Dranzer

25 mars 200230m

Gideon plans to create his own Cyber Bit Beasts but lacks vital data on Dranzer. Meanwhile the Saint Shields plan their own attack on Dranzer and send Dunga to do the job. Will the Blade Breakers realize there's a conspiracy against them before it's too late?

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Testing One, Two, Three

1 avril 200230m

Joseph decides to find out what the Psykicks are doing with the data they've collected from their matchups with the BladeBreakers. His discoveries cause them to escalate matchups against the BladeBreakers as they secretly test Max & Ray in a two vs. two battle against Miriam & Joseph. Who will win the match-up, and just what did Joseph discover?

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Gideon Raises Gerry!

8 avril 200230m

Doctor B unveils the first Cyber Bit Beast to the world. Gerry from Team Psykick is chosen to be the first to wield this new Beyblade. What can possibly go wrong with an untested, experimental, extremely powerful, Mad Scientist created Bit Beast?

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Show Me the Bit-Beasts!

15 avril 200230m

Kenny discovers that someone has made copies of all the Blade Breakers' Bit Beasts and the team decides to prepare themselves for battle. Hilary feels left out because she can't see the team's Bit Beasts so she joins the gang in their training.

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Team Psykick's New Recruit

22 avril 200230m

Dr. B and his team have finally perfected the Cyber Bit Beast and are ready to test it on the BladeBreakers, but first they need to find a Blader strong enough to take on the challenge. Will Kai's classmate Wyatt be just the Blader they're looking for?

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Hilary's Bey-B-Cue

29 avril 200230m

Getting fed up with the rest of the team, Tyson decides to quit. This doesn't last for long, when his insatiable appetite lures him back into the fold. Grandpa's fishing doesn't work out according to plan either. The catch of the day has turned the tides on this old man, but who are these new bladers that save him. Can the BladeBreakers trust them?

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When Friends Become Foes

6 mai 200230m

The Blade Breakers sneak into Doctor B's lab, where Tyson learns that the dreaded Psykick's have recruited his new pal Kane into their ranks, but can they convience them to leave the Psykicks, or have the Cyber Bit Beast already begun taking them over?

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Their Own Private Battles

13 mai 200230m

After seeing the Cyber Bit Beasts in action, Tyson vows to do whatever it takes to beat them. Ray develops an unexpected friendship with Salima of Team Psykick in the hopes of learning more about their next challenge, but is she really to be trusted, or is she planning on taking Ray down some how?

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The Power Half Hour!!

20 mai 200230m

Tyson struggles to control his new ""tricked out"" Beyblade. His frustration leads him to battle Ozuma who is always around to teach Tyson a lesson when he needs one. Will Tyson finally be able to defeat Ozuma, or will Ozuma destroy Tyson's blade and ego for good?

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The Battle Tower Showdown

27 mai 200230m

The Bladebreakers and Hilary head for their battle against Team Psykick in a helicopter. They are met in the Battle Tower by robots. Luckily the Saint Shields are there to cover their backs. Max and Jim are the first two to battle. Who will win the first round?

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Max Takes One for the Team

3 juin 200230m

Jim and Cyber Draciel appear to have the upper hand due to the Cyber repair system, but can Max find a way to make defeat into victory?

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Selima and Ray battle head to head in the second match up, but will Cyber Driger prove to be too strong for Driger, or will driger's previous power fully return?

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Ghost in the Machine

24 juin 200230m

Kai squares off against Goki on Level Four of Gideon's Battle Tower. But when his real opponent turns out to be the ghost of his friend Wyatt, Kai finds himself helpless. Can the Bladebreakers help Kai lay his guilt to rest or is this the Bladebreakers final defeat?

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Raising Kane!!

1 juillet 200230m

The final battle between Tyson and Kane begins with a shock. Kane actually decides to battle fair without the help of Cyber Dragoon, but can this resolve last long, or will Tyson and Dragoon see powers they never could have imagined?

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Cyber Dragoon Takes Control!

8 juillet 200230m

Tyson faces off against Kane only to discover that Kane has fallen under the control of his Cyber Bit Beast. Tyson reluctantly tells Dragoon to give up, but will Dragoon listen, or will his loyal Bit Beast summon the strength to keep fighting and inspire Tyson to do the same?

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Building the Perfect Bit Beast!

15 juillet 200230m

At the conclusion of the fierce battle between Tyson and Kane, the Battle Tower starts to collapse around them. During their mad dash to make it out of the building, Max realizes that Draciel is still inside. How will he get him out of there?

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Hot Rock

22 juillet 200230m

The Bladebreakers and Hilary head off for NYC. Max's mom Judy is their to greet them. Judy unveils a secret rock to the BladeBreakers, but when it gets stolen its up to the BladeBreakers to get it back. Can they succeed?

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A Friend's Cry / Bad Seed in the Big Apple

29 juillet 200230m

As it turns out Max's friend Alan was part of the scheme to steal the powerful rock. Can Max manage to defeat Alan and get him to reveal what's going on?

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Get a Piece of the Rock!

5 août 200230m

The Bladebreakers return to Japan accompanied by Judy. Mr. Dickenson tells all of them about a partner he used to work with named Dr. Zagart. Tyson has to learn to control his new Beyblade Dragoon V2. The Saint Shields decide to efeat Tyson before he can learn to control his new blade, but will they succeed when a mysterious fighter appears?

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Attack of the Rock Bit Beast

12 août 200230m

The search for the missing rock and the mysterious Dr. Zagart goes on. Unfortunately the BladeBreakers are at a loss as to where they should look. When Foxy challenges Ray to a match, the team unknowingly moves a step closer to solving the mystery, but first they have to defeat Foxy. Will they succeed?

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Lots of Questions... Few Answers

19 août 200230m

After Foxy's attack, the team has many questions, but few answers. Who was behind the attack and how is the rock involved?

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Rock Bottom!

26 août 200230m

When Ray loses Driger to Dunga's Vortex Ape, the Bladebreakers resolve to go back into training and rescue him. But will they be able to save Driger without putting themselves into further jeopardy? And what is Dunga's real reason for taking Ray's bit-beast?

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Itzy Bey-Itzy Spider

2 septembre 200230m

Tyson runs into a sticky situation while trying to figure out how to get Driger back. Net and his Bit Beast Spider coax Tyson into releasing Dragoon so they can capture it for their own goals. Will he be able to escape from this web slinging assassin?

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See No Bit Beast, Hear No Bit Beast

9 septembre 200230m

There's a new Blader after Kai's Bit beast and he's ready for battle. The only problem is he's quiet as the wind and as strong as a hurricane. How can Kai possibly beat an opponent that he can't even see?

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Friends and Enemies

16 septembre 200230m

After Max is ambushed, Mariam discovers that Dr. K is using Power Injection to make the Bit Beast, Tyranno stronger. When Mariam destroys much of the building, she and Max must work together to find a way out. But will Mariam capture Draciel once they escape?

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Beybattle at the Bit Beast Corral

23 septembre 200230m

With the goal of acquiring the BladeBreakers Bit Beasts and sealing them in a rock, The Saint Shields challenge them to a match at an abandoned amusement park. The first match is Miriam versus Max, but will Max manage to win, or is Draciel done for?

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The Fate Of The Spark Battle

30 septembre 200230m

The Saint Shields have already captured Ray's Bit Beast, Driger, and now they've set their sights on capturing Kai's Dranzer. Dunga goes into battle against Kai and the fight intensifies as the blades race along the rails of an abandoned roller coaster to what looks like their doom. Can any of them survive?

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The Bit Beast Bond

7 octobre 200230m

Ozuma, leader of the Saint Shields gang makes a final play for the BladeBreakers four Bit Beasts. During his battle with Tyson, it is revealed that he comes from an ancient group that is sworn to capture and contain all the Bit Beasts in the world, but will this new found knowledge give the BladeBreakers the know how to defeat Ozuma, or is Dragoon done or?

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Squeeze Play

14 octobre 200230m

Pleased that the Saint Shields no longer wish to seal the four Bit Beasts, Dr. K gives a new Blader, Denny, a powerful rock Bit Beast named Clarken and orders him to capture the four Sacred Bit Beasts. Meanwhile, Zeo catches up with the Bladebreakers and shows them his invitation to the upcoming World Championships, but when Denny shows up to destroy their practice, can Zeo help them win the day?

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Who's Your Daddy?

21 octobre 200230m

The BladeBreakers show up at the World Championship Tournament and go up into the stands to cheer on Zeo who's fighting in the preliminaries, but a shocking turn of events is about to occur for Zeo. Find out what it is when you finally meet Zeo's dad.

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Fortunes Dear and Dire

28 octobre 200230m

Zeo focuses on Beyblade training with his father Zagart. The most powerful rock Bit-Beast named Cerberus is designated for Zeo, but he must first be able to summon it. Zeo trains furiously, but the elusive Bit Beast never fully materializes. Meanwhile, the Bladebreakers must choose their two team-pairs for the World Beyblade Championships, but what will be their teams and can Zeo really become the BladeBreakers enemy?

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Kai's Royal Flush

4 novembre 200230m

While all that the BladeBreakers can think of are the finals, Kai can't stop obsessing about King and Queen. With a brand new Beyblade crafted for him by Kenny, Kai longs for a rematch. But Kai isn't the only one with the royal pair on his mind. Doctor K tracks the duo down and offers them a chance to team up with her so they can capture and wield the power of the four sacred Bit Beasts together. What will King and Queen end up doing, and can Kai get his revenge on the duo?

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The Calm Before the Storm

11 novembre 200230m

After disappearing thirty years ago, Zagart confronts Mr. Dickenson, forcing him to enter Zeo in the World Championship Finals. He reveals that Zeo is his son and that he won't show mercy when he confronts the Bladebreakers in the tournament. Meanwhile, the pairings for the finals are announced, but King and Queen want to start the fun a bit early. Can Mr. Dickenson stop chaos from occuring, or will it take someone else a bit stronger?

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Zeo vs. Ozuma

18 novembre 200230m

The Beyblade World Championship Finals are underway and eight teams convene to compete for the title. The BladeBreakers are shocked to see that their old friend Zeo is in the competition and Tyson confronts him to find out why he has decided to compete against them. Will Zeo reveal the truth, or can the Saint Shields knock Zeo out of the tournament?

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Black & White Evil Powers

25 novembre 200230m

The World Beyblade Championships continue and the next round has Tyson and Max squaring off against Kane and Jim. Kane and Jim decide to have a little practice battle at the beach. But King and Queen show up for a surprise attack. Can Kane and Jim hold off the duo, or will the BladeBreakers or Saint Shields manage to show up and save the day?

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Deceit From Above

2 décembre 200230m

In the Semi-Final round of the World Beyblade Championships, Max & Tyson take on King & Queen. Doctor K tempts Queen into using a vicious new attack ring she's created called 'The Shredder'. Can Max and Tyson manage to overcome this new piece, or will they lose their sacred Bit Beasts?

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Phoenix Falling

9 décembre 200230m

The second semi-final begins with Ray battling Gordo and Kai battling Zeo. Can the BladeBreakers manage to end Zeo's dreams now, or will the BladeBreakers have their worst nightmare yet come forth?

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The Enemy Within

16 décembre 200230m

The Bladebreakers begin to lose faith in each other, and Tyson contemplates Zeo's betrayal of them. Tyson decides to confront Zeo about it, but what will be the result, and will the other Bladebreakers support him?

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Clash Of The Tyson

23 décembre 200230m

The Championship Finals begin as Tyson faces Gordo and Max faces Zeo. Can the BladeBreakers win both matches and repeat as champions, or will a 3rd and final match decide the outcome? Also, Zeo's secret will finally be revealed. All this occurs only on this episode of V-Force.

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Destiny of the Final Battle

30 décembre 200230m

The finals between Zeo and Tyson begin, but with Zeo being revealed to be a cyborg can Tyson gain the endurance to win this battle and remain the world champion?

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New Kid in Town

6 janvier 200330m

Tyson is home training kids after winning his second championship when two new challengers arrive. What do they want with the World Champion?

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A Team Divided

13 janvier 200330m

The new rules of the World Championships cause changes to occur to the BladeBreakers, but will they be beneficial or harmful in the long run?

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Invitation to Battle

20 janvier 200330m

With Ray and Max leaving the Bladebreakers to go to old teams, Jin decides to test Tyson, but when Ray ends up with the note he accepts Jin's challenge instead. Who will win between these two opponents?

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We Were Once Bladebreakers...

27 janvier 200330m

With Max and Ray having quit the team, it's up to Kenny to keep the remaining Bladebreakers together. Will he succeed?

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A League of His Own

3 février 200330m

Tyson must once again prove he's the best in Block A, but a Chameleon blade has a few surprises in store for him and Kenny. Who will win he first final?

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You're the Man, Kai!

10 février 200330m

It's Kai versus Daichi in the block B final. Who will become Tyson's teammate, and what surprises does Jin of the Gale have for the team?

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Take Your Best Shot

17 février 200330m

The BBA Revolution practices at Tyson's place while other qualifying matches are taking place, but who will the BBA Revolution end up facing? What surprises are in store for them?

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Roughing It

24 février 200330m

The new BBA Revolution team will be complete when Kai finally makes his decision as to what team he's going to be on. How will this affect the World Championships?

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Swiped on the Streets

3 mars 200330m

The World Championships are about to begin, but now that Kai has left the BBA Revolution, he must side with someone else. Who will that end up being? Also, how well will Daichi and Tyson get along? Find out in this episode of GRevolution.

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It's a Battle Royale

10 mars 200330m

The BBA Revolution battles White Tiger X in the first match of the World Championships, but which man will end up with the bragging rights: Tyson or Ray?

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The Blame Game

17 mars 200330m

Tyson has been totally out of control since Kai transferred to the Blitzkreig Boys, not to mention the defeat to the White Tigers. He can't admit it was his fault and gets into an argument with Daichi. Meanwhile Barthez leads a new team in the ways of cheating. Can Tyson and the rest of the bladers handle these new chalengers?

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When In Rome, Let It Rip!

24 mars 200330m

The White Tigers battle the Barthez Battalion in the first beystage in Rome for this years world tournament. Which side will prevail? Will Ray become 2-0 and the favorite to win it all, or will the Bartez men give him a run for his money?

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Kenny's Big Battle

31 mars 200330m

Tyson is pulled from the battle against the Blitzkreig Boys and replaced by Kenny. What will this do to the BBA Revolution? Can Tyson get his ego under control finally?

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Picking Up the Pieces

7 avril 200330m

The Blitzkreig Boys are on a role and Tala defeats Kenny with a special attack! Next up to face Tala is Daichi. Even though Kenny lost to Tala, he has found a strategy to defeat him. But will Daichi use Kenny's plan for victory?

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Sleepless in Madrid

14 avril 200330m

Lee of the White Tigers X suffers a lack of sleep due to nightmares that further emphasizes his mediocre performance lately. Tired and fragile, he pushes himself hard enough to cause his Galeon to run out of control during the match against F-Dynasty! Will Ray really forfeit the match in order to help his friend?

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Fire and Water

21 avril 200330m

The Blitzkreg Boys battle the PBA All-Starz, and the truth behind the Barthez Battalion blades is revealed. What will this do to the World Championships?

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Same Old Dirty Tricks

28 avril 200330m

Finally, BBA Revolution faces off against the Barthez Battalion! Daichi faces off against Mathilda in the first match, but, following Barthez's evil plans, Mathilda reluctantly sacrifices her Beyblade to severly damage Daichi's Strata Dragoon, making it uncapable of fighting in a tie-breaker! Can Tyson win his match to achieve victory? And will Miguel finally make a stand to their cruel coach?

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Beyblade Like An Egyptian

5 mai 200330m

The Barthez Battalion members must decide whether or not to cheat in their upcoming match against the Blitzkreig Boys, but which way will they decide?

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One For All . . . Free For All

12 mai 200330m

The White Tigers battle the All-Starz, but can the All-Starz handle a team that works together when they are divided at times?

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Burdens of a Champion

19 mai 200330m

The BBA Revolution must battle F-Dynasty in a tag match, but who will come out as the winners and continue into the next round.

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Under Pressure

26 mai 200330m

Ever since his loss against F Dynasty, Tyson falls to the pressures of being world champion, so much so that he embarrasses himself during a BBA Revolution interview! Can a match with Daichi help regain Tyson's true fighting spirit at last?

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Sibling Rivalry

2 juin 200330m

Raul tries to convince Julia he should battle Matilda in their battle against Barthez Battalions. Who will go to the semi-finals to meet the Blitzkreig boys?

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Ray And Kai: The Ultimate Face-off...

9 juin 200330m

Ray and Kai go head to head, and the winner gets to face Tyson, but who will end up prevailing between Dranzer and Driger?

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Down Under, Thunder

16 juin 200330m

Down in Australia, the BBA Revolution faces off against the PPB All-Starz. Everyone seems to believe that Rick will win in his match against Daichi, but the young boy is determined to prove to everyone that he will win! Can Daichi overcome Rick's Drop Rock attack so he can meet Tala of the Blitzkrieg Boys once again in the finals?

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Max Attacks

23 juin 200330m

The match between the BBA Revolution and the PPB All-Starz continues! Daichi has defeated Rick, so it's Max's turn to to battle with Tyson at last. Now that he has finally resolved his personal problems, will Tyson help the team move on to the next round? Will his Dragoon Galaxy even come out of this in one piece?!

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Familiar Faces

30 juin 200330m

The final rounds take place back in Japan! Equipped with his new blade, Dragoon Galaxy Turbo, Tyson and the rest of BBA Revolution must face F Dynasty once more to reach the dominating team, the Blitzkrieg Boys. Will Tyson and Daichi manage to redeem themselves from their last defeat and best Raul and Julia?

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What a Blast

7 juillet 200330m

The whole city is watching the semi-finals match between BBA revolution and F-dynasty in a tag-team format. Tyson and Daichi want to dethrone the tag-team champions and intend to use some of the twins own moves to do so. The winner moves on to the finals where the Blitzkrieg Boys are waiting!

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Changing Gears

14 juillet 200330m

The finals have finally arrived and BBA Revolution gets ready to face the Blitzkrieg Boys in a heated battle. But before that can happen, a routine check-up of Tyson's Beyblade turns up a faulty gear assembly, which needs to be repaired! Time is running out, and Daichi has to stretch out his match with Tala to give Kenny the time he needs to fix Dragoon!

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And Then There Were Two

21 juillet 200330m

Daichi and Tala have both been thrown from the dish at the same time, resulting in a tie game. Because they are in no condition for a rematch, Mr. Dickenson rules that the next match will determine the new tournament Champion. It all comes down to Kai and Tyson.

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Let The Games Begin... Again!

28 juillet 200330m

It's the finals of the World Beyblading Championships and the final battle pits Kai against the defending world Champion, Tyson. The fight is incredibly intense and what's even more amazing, it looks like the two combatants are so evenly matched, there might not be a winner.

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Runaway Daichi

4 août 200330m

The Beyblade World Championship finally concludes with BBA Revolution as the victorious team. However, an old wound opens in Daichi as he watches Tyson get all the attention once again. Will Daichi really leave the team for good?

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Beyblade Idol

11 août 200330m

The BBA has been sold out, meaning Mr. Dickenson has no control over this mysterious new group, the Beyblade Entertainment Global Association: BEGA. Determined to find out what's going on, Tyson, Daichi, and Max challenge BEGA's mascot, the pop sensation, Ming Ming, to a battle! And, afterwards, Tyson meets a familiar face...

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Out of Their League

18 août 200330m

Boris returns after two years of travelling, and explains what he has seen has changed him and inspired him to create BEGA, in an effort to convice the gang, he gives Tyson, Max, Daichi and kenny a tour of their facilities. Tyson finds out BEGA aren't slacking when he battles Crusher, who's motives may change Tyson's mind about Boris.

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The Mysterious Mystel

25 août 200330m

At China, Ray and his White Tiger X teammates return to their usual life routine until the next World Championship until they encounter a strange and mysterious youth named Mystel. Will Ray be able to trust this stranger, especially after Mystel claims that Tyson is an official member of BEGA?!

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Pros and Ex-Cons

1 septembre 200330m

Tyson, still thinking whether Boris has changed at all, is unsure about joining BEGA. Tala, Spencer, and Bryan go to confront Boris once again and shut his organization down for good. The Blitzkrieg Boys thrash their first three opponents, but Bryan and Spencer are beaten by Garland, who is one of BEGA's top bladers! Will he be too much for even Tala to handle?

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Boris, the Blade Stops Here

8 septembre 200330m

In order to bring Boris' plan to a halt, Tala challenges Garland of Team Bega to a Beyblade match. But, Garland proves to be more than a match for him! Is Tala fighting a losing battle?

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The Bega Challenge

15 septembre 200330m

Tyson accepts Boris' challenge to a five-on-five Beybattle for the future of the world of Beyblade. But, things are made worse when Kai joins BEGA and Hiro, as Jin of the Gale, becomes their new coach! It's up to Ray to bring Tyson back to his senses. But, since BEGA rules state that those who are not members cannot purchase new Beyblade parts, is this a battle they may end up regretting?

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Bega on the Rise

22 septembre 200330m

While Tyson and the others find a way to make their own Beyblades, BEGA's influence continues to spread throughout the world. Hiro requests to coach BEGA's secret weapon, Brooklyn, but this young prodigy has a few surprises in store. Is it possible to be that powerful when Brooklyn never practiced a day in his life? Kai doesn't think so!

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Rebel Alliance

29 septembre 200330m

In a miraculous turn of events, the past teams from the recent tournament, White Tiger X, PPB All-Starz, F-Dynasty, and Barthez Battalion joins Tyson and company in their battle against BEGA. With Emily and Miguel's help, Kenny manages to complete the first of the new Hard Metal Series of Beyblade, Dragoon Metal Storm! But, is it too much for even Tyson to control?!

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Back to Basics

6 octobre 200330m

Training camp continues as Tyson, Daichi, Ray, and Max strive to control their new HMS Beyblades. After several failures and humorous chase scenes, Tyson and the others must look into their hearts to find the answer of how to master complete control. It might even take them back to their childhood...

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And Justice-Five For All

13 octobre 200330m

Under the pretext of gaining more supporters, BEGA holds a qualification tournament to decide the organization's five bladers they'll use in the Justice 5. Garland, Crusher, Ming Ming, and Mystel all secured their entries, and Kai ironically faces Brooklyn for the fifth spot. Will Kai defeat BEGA's secret weapon and get to face Tyson again in the end? Or will the mysterious Brooklyn demonstrate a skill unfathomable to all?

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When You Wish Upon A Star

20 octobre 200330m

Kai tries his best, but he is ultimately outmatched by Brooklyn. So, the BEGA team has been decided, and Tyson's team, the newly-named G-Revolutions, must act accordingly. While he buys a bit more time with ""Mister X"" as their fifth member, Tyson holds on to the wish that HE would join his team...

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Sing Ming Ming Sing!

3 novembre 200330m

For the first match, Daichi of Team G-Revolutions faces off against Ming Ming of Team Bega. But during the course of the match, the young pop star has won over the entire crowd, even Kenny! Can Daichi manage to overcome his most formidable opponent by far?

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Refuse to Lose

10 novembre 200330m

The second match against BEGA begins as Ray does battle with the towering Crusher. Crusher's sister, Monica, is having her operation at the same moment, and he must win if he is to pay the expenses needed. Ray fights with the strong desire to save the future of all that is Beyblade, but will it be enough to overcome Crusher and his love for his sister?

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Max to the Maxx

17 novembre 200330m

Team G Revolution have two consecutive losses, so Max is given the pressure to win or face elimination. Can Rick give Max the encouragement he needs to face Mystel in the third match?

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The Return of Kai

24 novembre 200330m

As Tyson trains intensively for his two consecutive matches against Brooklyn and Garland, a lifeless Kai visits Tala in the hospital and finds Dranzer MS beside him. The new Beyblade literally brings life back in Kai's eyes, and he desperately tries to gain control over it. Can F-Dynasty's coach, Romero, help him out so Kai will be able to rejoin his old team?

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Now You're Making Me Mad

1 décembre 200330m

The fourth match begins with a great surprise. Kai has joined the G-Revolutions! And he demands a rematch with Brooklyn using his new blade, Dranzer MS. Will Kai just lose again to Brooklyn and Zeus' awesome dark powers? Or will his strong emotions turn the tide?

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Beyblading Spirit

8 décembre 200330m

The fourth match between Kai and Brooklyn continues! Holding to the little faith he has left in his teammate, Tyson continues to cheer Kai on. As the battle wages on, with every move Brooklyn uses against him, Kai refuses to stay down! Brooklyn finally begins to lose composure to Kai's burning passion for Beyblade, but will the first win for G Revolutions come without a price?

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Principles of Victory

15 décembre 200330m

It's a grudge match between the two team leaders, Tyson and Garland, in the fifth match! As the descendent of a family who dominates all the world's sports, Garland plans to uphold the family honor by winning this match. Will Tyson be able to stand up to this powerful Beyblader?

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Welcome to My Nightmare

22 décembre 200330m

G Revolutions and the BEGA Bladers are now tied with two wins, two losses, and a draw. So, a sixth and final match has been announced! But, Boris seems to have other plans when he sends Crusher and Ming Ming to attack Tyson back at his home. This evil man's true colors are beginning to rise to the surface, and loyalty is torn between him and the BEGA Bladers. And what about Brooklyn? Ever since his defeat against Kai, his fate now walks an even darker path...

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Brooklyn's Back

29 décembre 200330m

Finally, it's the tiebreaker match, Tyson versus Brooklyn! But, Brooklyn has changed for the worst after his defeat against Kai, and he completely submits to the seductive darkness of Zeus. This incredible power even threatens the entire world! Will Tyson be able to defeat Brooklyn at this level of intensity?!

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Beybattle for the Ages

29 décembre 200330m

The match continues, and Brooklyn's dark powers may be too much for Tyson. But, with his old teammates behind him and with the power of Dragoon, Tyson will fight to the very end! And after this climatic battle, it WILL be the end...

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