Cha-Cha-Cha (1982)

16 05/06/1982 (HU) MusicComedy 1h 21m
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Gruber is a normal 16-year-old growing up in Budapest in 1962, but he has a problem -- how does he get to know the opposite sex? At the Sunday afternoon dance classes the young "ladies and gentlemen" hold each other while dancing, and that makes the lessons worth something. Otherwise, the pianist's attention wanders and the orchestra does not exactly play with a single-minded dedication. In fact, everybody seems to have other things on their minds, except for the enthusiastic dance instructor and his ever-smiling assistant.

  1. János Kovácsi

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Péter Rudolf

    Péter Rudolf

    Gruber Ernő

  2. Tallós Rita

    Tallós Rita

    Fekete Virág

  3. Epres Attila

    Epres Attila


  4. Mátyás Usztics

    Mátyás Usztics


  5. Frigyes Hollósi

    Frigyes Hollósi


  6. Dorottya Géczy

    Dorottya Géczy


  7. Enikő Eszenyi

    Enikő Eszenyi

    Gádor Fanni

  8. Attila Kaszás

    Attila Kaszás

    Gál Slici

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language Hungarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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