Diskutuj o Henry Cavill

HC knows we want to see him, but he’s playing hard to get. rolling_eyes He’s too busy entertaining himself with computer games to care that his fans can use some entertainment too in the form of his IG (thirst trap) posts. innocent

Ah, well, I guess we’ll have to entertainment ourselves with pics, vids, memes, fan fic. and fan art of him in the meanwhile. Hence this thread. Here fans can post their favorite HC pics, vids, memes, fan fic. and fan art. HC’s IG posts should be posted in the IG thread, not here.

Also, this thread has a challenge. You must do the challenge before you can post. To start, click on the blue links below to see what’s considered a gorgeous, hot, hideous and ugly pic of HC.


Now you must find one gorgeous or hot HC pic where he has a beard or stache and one hideous or ugly HC pic where he’s clean shaven or has a five o’clock shadow. Good luck! rofl

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WATCH: Henry Cavill Video Goes Viral When He Thinks He Spots Shakira on Red Carpet

Sweety Cary

xq nunca había visto este vídeo del bello Henry Cavill viendo si era Shakira?

Google Translate:

Why have I never seen this video of the beautiful Henry Cavill seeing if it was Shakira?


The video, which comes from the red carpet during the 2015 New York premiere of Cavill’s film The Man from U.N.C.L.E., starts with a reporter asking the actor what he would like to see happen to his movie’s character, Napoleon Solo, moving forward.

Before he’s able to answer, Cavill’s attention is quickly diverted somewhere else on the red carpet. He looks at someone close by and gives a huge smile and opens his eyes wide. He then starts answering the reporter’s question, but stops himself to ask, “Is that Shakira?” before taking a longer glance her way.

There is no evidence that the person Cavill saw on the red carpet was actually Shakira, but whoever it was, she’d probably be flattered to know that someone mistook her for the “Hips Don’t Lie” singer.


Shakira May Now End Up at Trial After This Tax Fraud Appeal Update

In December 2018, Spanish prosecutors charged her with tax evasion, saying that she allegedly avoided paying $15.5 million in taxes between 2012 and 2014 by claiming to live in the Bahamas. However, evidence shows that Shakira was a resident in Barcelona during that time.

Last year [2021], Shakira was one of several celebrities and world leaders implicated in what is being called “the largest trove of leaked offshore data in history.” The documents, known as the Pandora Papers, suggest that Shakira and other high-profile individuals allegedly set up offshore accounts to hide money to avoid paying taxes.


India To Day

Shakira and Gerard Pique to split after she caught him cheating on her: Report

According to a report by Barcelona-based El Periodico, the singer caught her footballer partner cheating on her with another woman. The couple, however, has not commented on the matter yet.

The report further states that Pique has been living alone in Barcelona and moved out of the house he shares with The Hips Don’t Lie singer. The uncontrollable partying is also being touted as another reason behind the split. He, his teammate Riqui Puig and other friends, accompanied by other women, have also been spotted staying out till 2-3 am.


What’s with the revival of old stuff? TB on the boards and now Shakira everywhere.

Are TB fans or TB herself reviving the TB talk on boards to get her a mention on HC’s list of exes? Lately, outlets mention the list each time they mention that NV is the new gf. Some think outlets read the boards.

Also, haters think that Shakira’s PR saw the HC vid, which was posted a few weeks ago, and thought that by reposting it and making it go viral, they can deflect attention from the two scandals mentioned above.

Well, haters should stop thinking that everything is PR. If this was indeed PR, then it was the stupidest PR ever. I had no idea that Shakira was being sued for tax evasion and that her hubby cheated on her again. I and may others know now, because we were looking for info about HC and Shakira and those headlines appeared.

Anyway, Old hags say Shakira started following HC on IG. She followed some more people too. Chris Evans seems to be one of them. CE followed her back, but HC hasn’t yet. They think that NV is jealous and doesn’t want HC to follow her. So, right now, old hags are awaiting anxiously to see when or if HC will start following her back. rofl

Th Wrap

Johnny Depp’s Defamation Verdict Stuns Legal Experts: ‘Complete and Total Vindication’

The jury found that Heard defamed Depp and acted with malice

Yes, she did.

Amber Heard: "Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, Johnny Depp. ‘I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim, too, of domestic violence.’ You’re going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say: ‘She started it?’ Really? And see how many people believe or side with you."

Well, the American jury and judge believed him.

That quote shows how AH was using being a woman. I think she thought that by saying she’s a victim of domestic violence in the #metoo era, everybody would automatically believe her. That would have probably be the case, if there weren’t recordings and the images of the body-cam of a police officer.

AH probably thought, if JD doesn't give me what I want in the divorce settlement, I’ll destroy him and at the same time have the sympathy of everybody because I’m a survivor of domestic violence. I’ll get more acting roles, because everybody loves a survivor and wants to help them. I wonder if she will get any acting roles and endorsement deals after this.

So vindictive, vicious b*tches out there should take notes. This was the wrong way to take revenge on your partner.

@Cashmere said:

They sell fitness supplements, not HC Ken dolls and action figures.

I know, Cash. But they’d better sell some big posters made of images from that vid, if they know what’s good for them. angry

@Triksy said:

She forgot to see pass the screen and the posters. rofl

Very funny. rofl


Shakira follows Chris Evans and Henry Cavill on IG over the last 48 hours

We've been talking about that famous Henry Cavill video where he gushes over Shakira at a red carpet. Well, she just started following him on Instagram over the last 48 hours. Keep in mind that Cavill is currently dating entertainment executive Natalie Viscuso but he is not married to her. Anything can happen at this point. Henry doesn't follow Shakira yet.

However, Superman just got some fresh competition from none other than Captain America himself. That's right, actor Chris Evans just appears to have started following the Colombian singer on Instagram as the evidence shows.

Gerard Pique must be fuming at this but karma will always come back to bite you in the ass. That's what he gets for allegedly cheating on the mother of his two children. 

Twitter users are bowing down to Shakira's "game" as she's attracted them just as soon as the rumors started running rampant online.


HBO Max gets in on the Shakira/Henry Cavill fun with Superman wordplay

Over the last 48 hours, the most researched names on the internet have been Shakira, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans and Gerard Pique. The whole Shakira/ique scandal took us from the 6-week Depp vs Heard trial to a new topic of conversation almost overnight.

Everybody on the internet is creating memes and siding with Shakira while also mocking Gerard Pique for having competition such as two of the biggest Hollywood hunks out there.

Through HBO Latin America's Twitter account, they posted an image of Henry Cavill's Superman with the following caption: "'S' stands for Shakira, Shakira." Which had a massive reactions from Spanish-speaking followers who also posted more memes and jokes about it.

Just keep in mind, and we can't stress this enough, that Henry Cavill is currently in a happy relationship with Natalie Viscuso. There is no indication they are going to either split or that Henry Cavill will even entertain the idea of going after Shakira. You know how much of a troll the Internet can be at times.


This is getting out of hand. astonished

17 pics of HC looking hot and geeky with fans at the Warhammer store.


@Blue-Rose said:

Anyway, we’re back to photoshop theories. Apparently, NV is in LA and HC photoshopped her in the pic.

Of course, HC took NV to WH to show them that she’s in UK. When will old hags stop with this BS? NV lives with HC in London. I doubt she’ll got to LA to work for Vertigo. She’ll do it remotely or handle UK productions.

@Gone_Man said:

If you liked that, you'll love this. Go nuts! rofl

Proteins Zone

New branch
Showroom No . 5 , Al Garhoud Airport Road Dubai (#muscletech #henrycavill #henrycavilljersey @muscletech)



@Blue-Rose said:

Amber Heard: "Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, Johnny Depp. ‘I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim, too, of domestic violence.’ You’re going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say: ‘She started it?’ Really? And see how many people believe or side with you."

Well, the American jury and judge believed him.

That quote shows how AH was using being a woman. I think she thought that by saying she’s a victim of domestic violence in the #metoo era, everybody would automatically believe her. That would have probably be the case, if there weren’t recordings and the images of the body-cam of a police officer.

JD’s thank you letter got 18,801,101 likes and 1 mil+ comments.


Before the trial started, JD had 12 mil+ followers and AH had 4 mil+. Now JD has 24,209,310 and AH has 5,091,655.

@Triksy said:


Shakira follows Chris Evans and Henry Cavill on IG over the last 48 hours

Gerard Pique must be fuming at this but karma will always come back to bite you in the ass. That's what he gets for allegedly cheating on the mother of his two children. 

You can really make your partner jealous by following a few hot celebs? I’d be more worried if my bf starts following some random hot girl. lol

Bookworm BL Reading


Henry and Natalie are posing, which is a form of acting; hence, sneaky pictures are better for readings.

When you pose, especially a preplan pose, tells others how you want to appear or how you want them to see/perceive you. Don’t forget that Henry and Natalie had to make that picture for the Durrell Challenge. Also, Natalie’s old injury and Henry’s extended workday the day before. Something might be less fun when you have to do it. More so, when you have to do it tired or injured.


You might be able to tell something about the power balance when a couple pose. You should look at how easy it is for them to get out of their position. Both person can get out of their position pretty easy when there is no holding/hugging or when one partner is standing in front of the other with no holding involve.

Both Henry and Natalie can get out of their position very easily. Henry won’t be able to get away easily, if Natalie’s right hand is on his hip/pelvic (holding him). That could mean she’s claiming him, a sign of ownership, and/or of being in control. LOL

One partner standing in front of the other could be romantic/intimate, if there is touching. There isn’t any touching that I can see. Henry and Natalie are very close to each other, though. People (not in a crowd) stand close to each other when they know and are comfortable with each other. Natalie’s right hand could be on Henry’s right hip/pelvic and her left hand on his lower back. Those are body parts that normally a romantic partner would touch.

Henry is leaning back a little. You lean towards things that you like. Henry doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head, though. So, trust is important. He leans back, because he likes and trusts the person standing close behind him.

Henry likes to pose like that when he’s the one taking the picture. He posed like that when he took the picture with his horse-riding instructor and when he took one with his brother and his wife. They weren’t close to him, though. So, liking and trust them weren’t necessary. It was just a pose/the way he held the camera.

Henry also smiles with his mouth close when he poses like that. His smile looks like an affiliative smile. Affiliation smiles (lips together, looking like a straight line) serve as social connectors. An affiliative smile has many good meanings. Here, Henry seems to be polite, friendly, nonthreatening. He might be using the affiliation smile to express his desire to create a bond with his fans/followers, to connect with them.

It looks like Natalie has an affiliative smile, too. At first glance, it looked like a dominant smile. LOL It’s not. Her smile isn’t asymmetrical (one side of the mouth rises while the other side remains in place). 

Besides having an affiliative smile, Natalie also has a sideways glance with eyebrows somewhat up and her head is slightly tilted to the left. All these things combine will nullify the good meaning of the affiliative smile. All these things combine mean that you’re aware that something antagonistic/wrong is going on, but you want to look like you’re okay with it, for now. So, either Natalie is aware of something antagonistic/wrong and wants to show that she’s aware but okay with it for now or that’s just how she likes to pose. LOL

@AnnaB said:

17 pics of HC looking hot and geeky with fans at the Warhammer store.

My favorite pic of the bunch. Why so serious, Ken doll?

https://ibb.co/X8vk52h kiss cupid

Of course, HC took NV to WH to show them that she’s in UK. When will old hags stop with this BS? NV lives with HC in London. I doubt she’ll got to LA to work for Vertigo. She’ll do it remotely or handle UK productions.

The old hags are making up things and rumors like little high school girls. Her hair is dry. She’s fashion blind. She stinks. She’s jobless. She’s a four-eye. Her face is full of botox. I think the old hags want to relive their teenage years. This time, they get to be the bullies, thanks to online anonymity. rofl

You can really make your partner jealous by following a few hot celebs? I’d be more worried if my bf starts following some random hot girl. lol

Shakira is a celeb. Her team can find out where a male celeb will be and arrange for her to be there too and make sure someone will introduce them.

Bookworm BL Reading

Besides having an affiliative smile, Natalie also has a sideways glance with eyebrows somewhat up and her head is slightly tilted to the left. All these things combine will nullify the good meaning of the affiliative smile. All these things combine mean that you’re aware that something antagonistic/wrong is going on, but you want to look like you’re okay with it, for now. So, either Natalie is aware of something antagonistic/wrong and wants to show that she’s aware but okay with it for now or that’s just how she likes to pose. LOL

Bookworm was in a good mood. She knows that part will make old hags go nuts. NV’s face expression should tell her antagonists kiss my blonde arse and go play with yourselves. She should buy a BL book to know the BL for that. rofl

Before the trial started, JD had 12 mil+ followers and AH had 4 mil+. Now JD has 24,209,310 and AH has 5,091,655.

JD just opened a TT account and it already has 12.9M followers. His only vid has 32.6M views.



Amber Heard Responds to Johnny Depp's Message About Moving Forward: 'Women's Rights Are Moving Backward'

On Tuesday — just under a week since the jury sided mostly with Depp and the court awarded him $10.35 million in damages and Heard $2 million after a six-week trial — Depp, 58, joined TikTok and thanked his "loyal" fans.

His first upload on the social media site was a montage of his recent music touring with Jeff Beck, with the caption, "To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We've been everywhere together, we have seen everything together. We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared."

And now, we will all move forward together," he continued. "You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD." Depp has so far gained 4.6 million TikTok followers.

A spokesperson for Heard, 36, responded to Depp's message in a statement, saying, "As Johnny Depp says he's 'moving forward,' women's rights are moving backward. The verdict's message to victims of domestic violence is ... be afraid to stand up and speak out."


Appeal or shut the hell up!

Women's rights are moving backward, because of AH. Thanks to her, men can now say: See? This is why you b*tches were never believed! You like to play the victim, because you’re the weaker sex.

I’m not saying winning the case means JD is completely innocent. But AH should have never written that article in The Washington Post. IMO, you can’t be a public figure representing domestic abuse when there are recordings of you saying I was hitting you and abusive stuff like that. And you should also be really careful when you were arrested at an airport for being aggressive to your ex-gf.

@Blue-Rose said:

Anyway, we’re back to photoshop theories. Apparently, NV is in LA and HC photoshopped her in the pic. Seriously, HC should make his pics with NV look as fake as possible. Use filters to make the colors extra vibrant. Give the old hags more work.

Another theo is that HC added a blonde that looks like NV to his team to… confuse them. The blonde in the WH pics is the blonde assistant or NV was added to the pics. The Brazilian stalkers harassed a WH employee to find out more and he wasn’t happy in his reply to them. Read the screenshot in the link. joy


I expect them to call Huntsman too.

Are TB fans or TB herself reviving the TB talk on boards to get her a mention on HC’s list of exes? Lately, outlets mention the list each time they mention that NV is the new gf. Some think outlets read the boards.

It’s FP’s turn now. Apparently, HC was in Huntsman for… whatever he’s doing for #1RMW. The Russian, Polish and Brazilian stalkers are working overtime to find out if HC, NV and FP were in the same room. We’ll hear what went down, if they find out anything. I won’t hold my breath, though. To me... it looks like HC was there alone.

More #1RMW pics!

I had no idea that Shakira was being sued for tax evasion

You don’t have to be a tax expert to know that you shouldn’t spend too much time register in a country if you don’t want to pay tax there. The IRS won’t care if you’re really physically there. To the IRS, if you register, you’re there and they want their money.

The old hags are making up things and rumors like little high school girls. Her hair is dry. She’s fashion blind. She stinks. She’s jobless. She’s a four-eye. Her face is full of botox. I think the old hags want to relive their teenage years. This time, they get to be the bullies, thanks to online anonymity.

You forgot she’s too fat to be a vegetarian joy I hear the alternatives for animal-based products can have lots of sugar, salt and other unhealthy stuff to make them look, feel and taste good.

JD just opened a TT account and it already has 12.9M followers. His only vid has 32.6M views.


TT is such an… annoying platform. I couldn’t believe JD made an account there. Then someone said he has a legion of fans there? Uh… why? TT is popular among very young people. Well, they love the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride at Disney. JD is their Jack Sparrow. That explanation… makes sense… sort of.

I’m not saying winning the case means JD is completely innocent. But AH should have never written that article in The Washington Post. IMO, you can’t be a public figure representing domestic abuse when there are recordings of you saying I was hitting you and abusive stuff like that. And you should also be really careful when you were arrested at an airport for being aggressive to your ex-gf.

A man is suing JD for punching him twice in 2018.

@Cashmere said:

HC Updates

No1 Botanicals’ IG

Vid https://twitter.com/updatesofHC/status/1537365658400432129

Looking very suave.

We’ll hear what went down, if they find out anything.

Old hags are like the Kardashians. You’ll hear about them even when you don’t want to.

@Blue-Rose said:

Appeal or shut the hell up!

Women's rights are moving backward, because of AH. Thanks to her, men can now say: See? This is why you b*tches were never believed! You like to play the victim, because you’re the weaker sex.

AH gave an interview.

@Cashmere said:

@Blue-Rose said:

Proteins Zone

New branch
Showroom No . 5 , Al Garhoud Airport Road Dubai (#muscletech #henrycavill #henrycavilljersey @muscletech)


That’s neat!

I’ll literally be a girl in a Ken doll store. kiss cupid

They sell fitness supplements, not HC Ken dolls and action figures.

Those are posters and she couldn’t see all the MTech stuff. This time, the new ad has the real HC in it. rofl

@AnnaB said:

Outlets will help spread weird rumors too.

Whenever you have something to promote, outlets will try to get a controversial article about you on the first page of Google. JL was promoting Morbius. So...

I was looking for Thor3 info and this old article about Elsa Pataky’s (alleged) plastic surgeries appear on the first page.

Summary of the article:

  1. skin glow – application of botox and vitamins €600 (a year – 2x botox & 3 or 4x vitamins)
  2. veneers and teeth whitening €7,000
  3. rhinoplasty (nose job) €7,000
  4. lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid €400 (1x a year)
  5. mentoplasty (chin job) €2,500
  6. cheek augmentation and bichat balls removal (for oval-shaped face) €2,800
  7. liposuction abdomen €5,000
  8. breast augmentation by two sizes €7,500
  9. buttocks retouched €3,000

Plastic surgery isn’t controversial. Bella Hadid admitted she had a nose job at age 14 and Chrissy Teigen was very open about her recent buccal fat removal.

But such an article is the perfect clickbait when the celeb is promoting something on red carpets. Many women want to look like the celeb. So they mention the name of the plastic surgeon and the price. They say it’s all beautifully done and looks natural. Good investment. Penélope Cruz had stuff done too. They’re basically using Elsa to promote plastic surgery and make money without paying her anything.

@HCFan said:

@Cashmere said:

HC Updates

No1 Botanicals’ IG

Vid https://twitter.com/updatesofHC/status/1537365658400432129

Looking very suave.

Is HC hinting at something? thinking

A #1B BTS pic www.instagram.com/p/CfCimroALQo/

@HCFan said:

Plastic surgery isn’t controversial. Bella Hadid admitted she had a nose job at age 14

I read Bella’s mom wanted her to have Eurocentric features like her sister, Gigi. She looked Middle Eastern while Gigi looks European. Very sad. Long live bad… creepy… abusive… celeb parents. They give us stuff to talk about when there isn’t anything to talk about.

They’re basically using Elsa to promote plastic surgery and make money without paying her anything.

I don’t think you can use someone’s name and image like that without permission. They may have a deal with Elsa. If they don’t, she should sue them.

@Blue-Rose said:

I’ll literally be a girl in a Ken doll store. kiss cupid

face_with_raised_eyebrow SMH disappointed

Anyway, go nuts. point_right https://imgur.com/a/iL4BucA rofl


Lincoln woman victim of fraud by person impersonating actor Henry Cavill

Officers responded to a residence for a report of fraud and spoke with a 40-year-old victim who told officers that she had lost $40,000 after an internet impersonation scam, according to law enforcement.

The 40-year-old told officers that she was contacted on Instagram in February by someone who identified himself as actor Henry Cavill, according to Lincoln police.

According to authorities, they continued to talk on Instagram and at one point the suspect said he had sent her a briefcase containing $10 million and some diamonds, but "the briefcase was being held up by Customs Officials."

The suspect allegedly convinced the victim to provide her bank account numbers so bitcoin could be purchased, and paid to the agent who confiscated the briefcase, according to law enforcement.


Is that a joke? I can’t believe someone would think HC or any celeb would send them $10 mil and diamonds. Is just crazy.

@Cashmere said:

I read Bella’s mom wanted her to have Eurocentric features like her sister, Gigi. She looked Middle Eastern while Gigi looks European.

Wasn’t the d*ck Middle Eastern? The gold digger didn’t care bc money was important.

Long live bad… creepy… abusive… celeb parents.

Some don’t even realize certain posts are creepy, till someone tells them to delete them.

@Gone_Man said:

https://imgur.com/a/iL4BucA rofl

HC’s showing a lot of himself. eyes

@Cashmere said:

I expect them to call Huntsman too.

Isn’t that standard practice? Let’s recap. rofl

Last year, they called the Realtor of the house where HC has the green grill to ask if the house is available for rent. They said it was. They thought HC moved to his London man-cave and NV was staying with a friend. All BS. HC was cooking ethnic food on his BD in the grill in the same garden.

They called the coffee bar/flower shop in Florida to ask if it was open the Sunday HC was there. Google showed them it was closed. But the flower shop was closed. The coffee bar was open.

They called the restaurant where HC’s brother took the pics with the fans to ask what HC drank because he and his brother looked tipsy. They said they told the person on the phone that they want the same thing that HC drank. They were told HC drank coke.

I read Bella’s mom wanted her to have Eurocentric features like her sister, Gigi. She looked Middle Eastern while Gigi looks European. Very sad. Long live bad… creepy… abusive… celeb parents. They give us stuff to talk about when there isn’t anything to talk about.

Yolanda has long been accused of perpetuating Eurocentric beauty standards, by consistently glorifying Gigi’s blonde hair and blue eyes, while often describing her as an “all-American girl.”

Many parents force, use, abuse, rob etc. their kids. Nowadays, it’s all for popularity/attention on socials. Yolanda is all smiles with her daughters when the cams are around. In private, she makes Bella feel ugly. If that stupid hag wanted her kids to have Eurocentric features, why did she spread her legs for a Palestinian man?

@HCFan said:

Old hags are like the Kardashians. You’ll hear about them even when you don’t want to.

The Kardashians know how to stay relevant and make money.

They’re basically using Elsa to promote plastic surgery and make money without paying her anything.

She can’t sue them for lying that she had surgery, if she had surgeries. They seem to have access to that info. If she sues them for not paying her, that will be confirming she had surgeries.

Is that a joke? I can’t believe someone would think HC or any celeb would send them $10 mil and diamonds. Is just crazy.

That doesn’t sound so crazy. On the one hand, old hags don’t want to stay on the boards. They don’t want to just discus. They want to contact HC and NV. Socials make it possible for them to leave comments. But that’s not enough. They want to leave the online world and go do things in the real world too. If they can’t, they’ll instigate others to go to red carpets and throw things on NV or carry boards with awful pics or text about her. Stans made screenshots of these posts and post them on Imgur.

On the other hand, some old hags think HC or someone from his team is talking to them. There’s a woman who keeps saying that DG is harassing her and HC’s family knows. There’s another one who keeps saying that HC didn’t keep his promise and should apologize. Some old hags think HC’s trolling them or he’s paying people to troll them.

@Gone_Man said:

Anyway, go nuts. point_right https://imgur.com/a/iL4BucA rofl

Whoa! I thought that was about MTech or #1B. astonished

Hello, delicious. Long time no see, treasure field. kiss cupid

BTW, is HC still this level of hot? He likes to show those beautiful thighs and arms, but he keeps the abs of steel and that yummy-looking treasure field all to himself. Heck, it’s hard to even get a glimpse of his chest hair lately. rolling_eyes

A #1B BTS vid and some pics.

HC Updates



@Blue-Rose said:

@HCFan said:

They’re basically using Elsa to promote plastic surgery and make money without paying her anything.

She can’t sue them for lying that she had surgery, if she had surgeries. They seem to have access to that info. If she sues them for not paying her, that will be confirming she had surgeries.

A little competition between Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth. In don’t think CH had surgeries. So EP might win who had more surgeries. As the lead in an NX film, however, she’s definitely winning. Well, so far.

Rotten Tomatoes All Critics – Top Critics – User Rating – Meta Critic Score – Meta User Score – IMDb rating – Google rating

092 minutes – 06/03/2022 – 44% – 44% – 19% – 51 – 3.4 – 4.5/10 – 60% – Interceptor
107 minutes – 06/17/2022 – 40% – 37% – 30% – 54 – 4.8 – 5.4/10 – 54% – Spiderhead

NX’s Weekly Global Top 10

The 28 days consists of a 3-day opening weekend, three full weeks and a 4-day week.

06/03-06/05 – #1 – 35,600,000 Opening Weekend
06/06-06/12 – #2 – 40,700,000 (#1 – Hustle – 84,580,000 – 06/10 Opening Weekend)
06/13-06/19 – #5 – 13,110,000 (#1 – Hustle – 57,190,000)
06/20-06/26 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10
06/27-07/03 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10 (06/30 end of 28 days)

06/13-06/19 – #2 – 35,400,000 Opening Weekend (#1 – Hustle – 57,190,000)
06/20-06/26 – #2 – 38,300,000 (#1 – The Man From Toronto – 53,890,000 – 06/24 Opening Weekend)
06/27-07/03 – #7 – 09,520,000 (#1 – The Man From Toronto – 62,640,000)

Action News

Superman scam: Washington County woman falls victim to person impersonating actor Henry Cavill

State police said the victim [56] engaged in an online relationship with someone impersonating the actor over the course of a year-and-a-half and purchases $250 in gift cards that she provided to the person under the false presumption that she was paying for a meet-and-greet event.



@Triksy said:

A little competition between Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth. In don’t think CH had surgeries. So EP might win who had more surgeries. As the lead in an NX film, however, she’s definitely winning. Well, so far.

Interceptor and Spiderhead’s 28 days are over. Who would have thought it? Elsa Pataky’s $15 mil Interceptor has more hours viewed than the Chris Hemsworh/Miles Teller $100 mil Spiderhead.

Hours viewed – RT All Critics – Top Critics – User Rating – Meta Critic – Meta User – IMDb – Google

89,410,000 – 092 minutes – 06/03/2022 – 44% – 44% – 20% – 51 – 2.9 – 4.5/10 – 60% – Interceptor 83,220,000 – 107 minutes – 06/17/2022 – 40% – 37% – 29% – 54 – 4.9 – 5.4/10 – 53% – Spiderhead

NX’s Weekly Global Top 10

The 28 days consists of a 3-day opening weekend, three full weeks and a 4-day week.

06/03-06/05 – #1 – 35,600,000 Opening Weekend
06/06-06/12 – #2 – 40,700,000 (#1 – Hustle – 84,580,000 – 06/10 Opening Weekend)
06/13-06/19 – #5 – 13,110,000 (#1 – Hustle – 57,190,000)
06/20-06/26 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10
06/27-07/03 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10 (06/30 end of 28 days)

06/13-06/19 – #2 – 35,400,000 Opening Weekend (#1 – Hustle – 57,190,000)
06/20-06/26 – #2 – 38,300,000 (#1 – The Man From Toronto – 53,890,000 – 06/24 Opening Weekend)
06/27-07/03 – #7 – 09,520,000 (#1 – The Man From Toronto – 62,640,000)
07/04-07/10 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10
07/11-07/17 – Not in the Weekly Global Top 10 (07/14 end of 28 days)


The hair checks out. #HouseOfTheDragon


That’s just stunning. And now the clickbaits. lol

ComicBookMovie: MAN OF STEEL Star Henry Cavill And WANDAVISION's Elizabeth Olsen Rumored To Join HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Season 2

@Blue-Rose said:

If that stupid hag wanted her kids to have Eurocentric features, why did she spread her legs for a Palestinian man?

So it’s OK to say a white person has Eurocentric features. Someone got bashed on TFT for saying Serena Williams has African features.

If she sues them for not paying her, that will be confirming she had surgeries.

Elsa Pataky is a white European and she used to have a hook nose. From the side, her nose looked like the nose of Ashlee Simpson. lol They probably had the same surgeon. Even white Europeans must buy a Eurocentric nose some times. lol

On the one hand, old hags don’t want to stay on the boards. They don’t want to just discus. They want to contact HC and NV. Socials make it possible for them to leave comments.

Because they want to do things in the real world, they think everybody is like that. We joke about sitting on HC’s leg, playing with his curls, kidnap him, stalk him etc. and those lunatics actually believe we will do that. lol

@Triksy said:

Interceptor and Spiderhead’s 28 days are over. Who would have thought it? Elsa Pataky’s $15 mil Interceptor has more hours viewed than the Chris Hemsworh/Miles Teller $100 mil Spiderhead.

Yeah, shocking. lol What’s more shocking is that all the hype around TG2 and Thor4 didn’t help Spiderhead. The success and hype of NWH did help TH’s Uncharted.

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