Debate Henry Cavill

HC knows we want to see him, but he’s playing hard to get. rolling_eyes He’s too busy entertaining himself with computer games to care that his fans can use some entertainment too in the form of his IG (thirst trap) posts. innocent

Ah, well, I guess we’ll have to entertainment ourselves with pics, vids, memes, fan fic. and fan art of him in the meanwhile. Hence this thread. Here fans can post their favorite HC pics, vids, memes, fan fic. and fan art. HC’s IG posts should be posted in the IG thread, not here.

Also, this thread has a challenge. You must do the challenge before you can post. To start, click on the blue links below to see what’s considered a gorgeous, hot, hideous and ugly pic of HC.


Now you must find one gorgeous or hot HC pic where he has a beard or stache and one hideous or ugly HC pic where he’s clean shaven or has a five o’clock shadow. Good luck! rofl

365 respuestas (en la página 6 de 25)

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@AnnaB said:

BTW, Armie’s (34 yo) all over the news for allegedly loving BDSM and cannibalism. lol A woman named Paige Lorenze (22 yo) accuses him of carving his first initial in her skin in this article.

This girl makes it really difficult to sympathize with her. This foolish girl makes girls our age look bad.

Before the dating started and before they slept together, Armie told her that he’s a sadomasochist. Instead of running for the hills screaming, she slept with him. The first time they slept together, Armie gave her a good taste of what a sadomasochist is. Instead of running for the hills screaming, she kept sleeping with him. Things kept getting worse, but she kept sleeping with him. She didn’t enjoy it, but she kept sleeping with him. She could have left whenever she wanted. When she broke up with Armie, he just said "okay I understand."

So… Don’t tell me Armie brainwashed you or manipulated you. He was honest about what he is before the dating started. He showed you what sex with him is like the first time you slept with him. What else do you want or expect him to do?

‘Once he said, “If you did not tell me to stop I would eat a piece out of you”.

I assume that Armie did stop every time she told him to stop. But inflicting and receiving pain is normal to him. If that’s not normal to you, you should have run for the hills screaming. If you keep sleeping with him, he’ll assume you like it until you say stop.

@Blue-Rose said:

@AnnaB said:

BTW, Armie’s (34 yo) all over the news for allegedly loving BDSM and cannibalism. lol

You think you know a guy, right? rofl

You still want to marry 37 yo HC? Will you trust him based on his experience and age like this girl with 34 yo Armie? rolling_eyes

@Sue-Yin said:

That convo isn’t only crowded. It’s been extended many times.

The sus world is full of new stuff to decode. The pimping, the baiting, the goats are failing again, the scandal approaching, the revival, bones thrown in two different corners etc., etc., etc. rofl

@Cashmere said:

So… Don’t tell me Armie brainwashed you or manipulated you. He was honest about what he is before the dating started.

Exactly. Armie didn’t tell her that he’s an environmentalist that loves to tie himself up to trees to protect them from being cut down. No, he basically told her that each time they have sex she will be in a world of pain. :laugh

I assume that Armie did stop every time she told him to stop. But inflicting and receiving pain is normal to him. If that’s not normal to you, you should have run for the hills screaming.

Nobody taught that girl that she shouldn’t trust men? Men are horny dogs that will say anything to get in your pants? The man is the physically strong one. Nature already gave an advantage, FCOL. So he doesn’t get to decide what is normal during sex too. I’m the vulnerable one. So I’ll decide what is normal. And normal doesn’t mean me being in any kind of pain or in a gross or humiliating situation. I’m not into that kind of thing. So I have no business dating a man into that kind of thing. I will not play Anastasia Steel and try to change any man who’s into that kind of thing. And the Christian Greys of the world won’t get the chance to convince me to get into that kind of thing. rolling_eyes

That girl should have told Armie this: Okay, I understand. Good luck finding someone who likes that. Bye. But no, she probably thought she’s Anastasia Steele and she can change the savage cannibal Neanderthal into a proper vegan gentleman. She probably thought Armie is a billionaire heirs like Christian Grey. But then she found out that Armie is broke and broke up with him. Unfortunately, he already brand her.

You still want to marry 37 yo HC?

The last time I checked, HC was one of the most gorgeous geeks on Earth. Did that change into one of the most gorgeous freaks, creeps or pervs on Earth? If not, then I’ll still marry him. zany_face

Will you trust him based on his experience and age like this girl with 34 yo Armie? rolling_eyes

Yeah, right. HC should trust me based on my experiences and age. rolling_eyes

@Blue-Rose said:

Explicit messages and audio recordings reveal Armie Hammer complaining about being 'kink shamed by the internet,' boasting about his sexual prowess and claiming that women are offering to let him 'eat pieces of them'

Kink shamed and Kim K’s clit cover. Funny new English words! laughing

She said: ‘That first night, Armie told me he was a sadomasochist. I had no idea what he meant and thought it was a cult thing like Scientology.

She says it as if Scientology isn’t a creepy thing too.

How would we feel if HC had some extreme fetish like Armie? thinking

@Cashmere said:

So… Don’t tell me Armie brainwashed you or manipulated you. He was honest about what he is before the dating started. He showed you what sex with him is like the first time you slept with him. What else do you want or expect him to do?

Is hard to believe girls are still that gullible. There’s a difference between just spicing things up once in the while with some whipped cream, blindfold and handcuffs and actually needing those things to satisfy your sexual appetite. The former’s sexual needs can be satisfied in another way without the whipped cream, blindfold and handcuffs. The latter won’t be satisfied without them. I don’t think you can change what someone likes or craves. BDSM should date BDSM. BDSM is too extreme to compromise.

@Blue-Rose said:

The sus world is full of new stuff to decode. The pimping, the baiting, the goats are failing again, the scandal approaching, the revival, bones thrown in two different corners etc., etc., etc. rofl

They keep making the same mistake. The distance is better planned. And finally some inclusion. I think the duct tape has done its job for now.

Men are horny dogs that will say anything to get in your pants?


The man is the physically strong one. Nature already gave an advantage, FCOL. So he doesn’t get to decide what is normal during sex too. I’m the vulnerable one. So I’ll decide what is normal. And normal doesn’t mean me being in any kind of pain or in a gross or humiliating situation. I’m not into that kind of thing. So I have no business dating a man into that kind of thing. I will not play Anastasia Steel and try to change any man who’s into that kind of thing. And the Christian Greys of the world won’t get the chance to convince me to get into that kind of thing. rolling_eyes

Sometimes you do make sense. But did Armie think he’s CG or did Paige think she’s AS? I think she did. AS didn’t know anything about BDSM. CG taught her about it. Armie taught Paige about BDSM too. CG hurt AS badly and she left him. Armie hurt Paige badly and she left him. CG changed to get AS back. Armie didn’t change. He just told Paige I understand. I think that burst her FSG bubble and she wants revenge. She went through all the pain and the son of a dog didn’t change to keep her. Well, she is hurting him in a different way. Armie’s acting career is pretty much over. The FSG books made BDSM popular, not cannibalism and rape fetish.

She probably thought Armie is a billionaire heirs like Christian Grey.

I was shocked. Isn’t Armie’s family supposed to be really rich?

Yeah, right. HC should trust me based on my experiences and age. rolling_eyes

What kind of experiences are those? face_with_raised_eyebrow

@Sue-Yin said:

Kink shamed and Kim K’s clit cover. Funny new English words! laughing

For a woman who constantly tries so hard to be and look sexy, Kim can be very boring when designing sexy undies. The sexy SKIMS are so uninspiring. Her idea of sexy is a little piece of fabric. She doesn’t even try to be creative. Look at these pics: (Kendall in the clit cover.)

How would we feel if HC had some extreme fetish like Armie? thinking

He does have a gaming obsession. How do you feel about that? rofl

Sometimes you do make sense.

Well, I was too lazy to change what I wrote. I just copy/paste it here. But trust me, sense is the last thing I want to make. But old hags saw the Armie convo as an op to say that little girls should stay away from mature men like HC. They’re insinuating that young girls can be manipulated easily by older men and or that HC is a scary freak like Armie. Either way, they seem to hang to my every word. So I had to set the record straight. Young doesn’t mean gullible, weak and dumb. And looking at them, I seriously doubt old means wary, strong and wise. rolling_eyes

A.N.Y.W.A.Y., I want to marry HC more than ever now. I must make an honest man of him. I’ll bet you $10 that HC will let me sit on his lap for a selfie. I’ll wear the skimpiest dress known to humans. It’s not a clit cover. It’s a modesty cover. It covers just enough so I won’t be charged for indecent exposure. I want to give the eagle-eyed old hags some new R-rated original content to talk about and analyze. zany_face

I was shocked. Isn’t Armie’s family supposed to be really rich?

His fam might still be. Maybe they disowned him for being a freak. thinking

What kind of experiences are those? face_with_raised_eyebrow

Think > innocent

@Blue-Rose said: (Kendall in the clit cover.)

Kendall just launched her own tequila named 818 for $59,99. She didn’t want people to say she’s using her fam’s fame. So she launched it secretly. It has a nearly perfect score of 96 points on Ultimate Spirit Challenge, it won the Chairman’s trophy and is considered the greatest tasting tequila of 2020. But didn’t DJ say this about his tequila?

He does have a gaming obsession. How do you feel about that? rofl

That obsession won't get him fired or ostracized. laughing

And looking at them, I seriously doubt old means wary, strong and wise.

Wise my arse. Those old hags don’t even know the difference between joke and serious. They lose their sh*t when a girl is in the same pic or vid as HC or if a girl says she dated him or wants to date him. Very mature. rolling_eyes

@Sue-Yin said:

@Blue-Rose said: (Kendall in the clit cover.)

Kendall just launched her own tequila named 818 for $59,99. She didn’t want people to say she’s using her fam’s fame. So she launched it secretly.

And she was heavily criticized.


In Style: Kendall Jenner’s Tequila Brand Actually Is Problematic

It has a nearly perfect score of 96 points on Ultimate Spirit Challenge, it won the Chairman’s trophy and is considered the greatest tasting tequila of 2020. But didn’t DJ say this about his tequila?

DJ says many things that can’t be verified.

OMG, HC’s not cheating on me with a computer game. He’s cheating on me with a blonde!!! rage


The Witcher star Henry Cavill goes public with his new girlfriend

Henry Cavill appeared the picture of happiness as he was seen for the first time with his new blonde girlfriend. 

The actor, 37, beamed and held hands with his new ladylove as they walked through London with his beloved dog Kal on Tuesday. 

The couple appeared in the throes of love as they clasped hands and gazed at one another happily during a romantic walk through the park.

More pics in Daily Mail

I’m heartbroken and inconsolable. broken_heart sob

On the bright side, it’s drama time! Time to sit back and enjoy the haters and old hags stalk, analyze and trash talk. popcorn

First, is she real, PR, beard, FWB, casual?

Then they’ll find a way to call her attention seeker and gold digger.

Then they’ll heard HC’s family doesn’t like.

Then they’ll find a way to say that there was a fight and he’s not into her.

Then they’ll pretend to feel sorry for her.

Then they’ll advice her to have some self-respect.

Then they’ll conclude that the whole thing was a fiasco.


@Blue-Rose said:

OMG, HC’s not cheating on me with a computer game. He’s cheating on me with a blonde!!! rage

Sorry, Blue. You can’t expect him to wait for you fifteen years.

To ease the pain. Here’s HC shirtless. heart_eyes_cat

Time to sit back and enjoy the haters and old hags stalk, analyze and trash talk. popcorn

Nobody says anything when HC walks Kal. Now that his gf is with him, it’s suddenly a papwalk. laughing Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas and many other couples did that the whole pandemic. What else is there to do?

First, is she real, PR, beard, FWB, casual?

A few pics and some on CCB and FMF think they can tell if it’s real. When did HC have time to get a gf? Ever heard of dating sites, colleagues, introduced by family or friends online, meet someone while walking Kal etc., etc., etc. rolling_eyes

@Blue-Rose said:

OMG, HC’s not cheating on me with a computer game. He’s cheating on me with a blonde!!! rage


More pics in Daily Mail

Damn, it must feel so good to be out of the working bubble.

I’m heartbroken and inconsolable. broken_heart sob

This old Def Leppard song is perfect for the occasion. Yell BRINGING ON THE HEARTBREAK and you’ll feel better. joy

@Sue-Yin said:

Nobody says anything when HC walks Kal. Now that his gf is with him, it’s suddenly a papwalk. laughing

They so want it to be PR. But HC was photographed many times with Kal in London. Nobody said he called the paps or was papwalking. Pinterest has many pics of HC and Kal walking. They’re really beautiful like from the paps, not fans. JJ writes about it for some reason too.

Just Jared: Henry Cavill Takes His Dog for a Walk in London

Just Jared: Henry Cavill Shows Off Buff Biceps Taking His Dog for a Walk!

Paps are dying for new pics. There are no events now.

@Blue-Rose said:

OMG, HC’s not cheating on me with a computer game. He’s cheating on me with a blonde!!! rage

He's been cheating on you for months, if this info is true. rofl

On a Spanish IG, someone has summed up some info about HC’s gf.

She’s supposedly 26.
Some say she’s works for Mtech. Others say NX.
She’s referred to as beanie bc her name’s not known yet.
Some claim that she and HC have been friends since last year June, but the dating started around this year’s V-day.

Another person who seems to want to start trouble says that she might be preggers. All black, the coat and that’s why HC decided to show her. I can’t see any baby bump in all that black. eyes



The "Man of Steel" star was snapped holding hands with a mystery woman in London on April 6. (See photos here.) Two days later, MailOnline reported that the blonde beauty is Canadian environmental scientist Danielle Beausoleil, who's previously worked as a fitness model. (See her here.

@Sue-Yin said:

Sorry, Blue. You can’t expect him to wait for you fifteen years.

No, not 15 yr to get married. I said 15/16 yr to give him a kid. He’ll have to wait until I’m like 36 for that. But we’ll get married sooner. Just let me get my MSc. I don’t want envious b*tches and bitter old hags saying he married an airhead little girl simply because I’m younger than him. So all I asked him was to keep it in his pants for two more years. As we can see, he obviously couldn’t do that. cry

To ease the pain. Here’s HC shirtless. heart_eyes_cat

Yes, Sue, I know the ex-hubby looks delicious with his hairy chest. Why are you showing me what will never be mine, you inconsiderate little………….. rage

BTW, if you really want to torture me, pics of HC in his boxerbriefs would cause me unbearable pain. sob

@Cashmere said:

This old Def Leppard song is perfect for the occasion. Yell BRINGING ON THE HEARTBREAK and you’ll feel better. joy

Hanging with the oldies, huh? I like that song. But I saw a different vid. Def Leppard looks really young and pretty in your vid. It’s weird how guys looked and dressed back in the day. If I had to date one of them, I’d have dated the drummer. He’s the only dude that doesn’t look like a lady. He’s also playing the coolest instrument in his boxer shorts shirtless. How awesome is that? rofl

@HCFan said:

She’s supposedly 26.
Some say she’s works for Mtech. Others say NX.
She’s referred to as beanie bc her name’s not known yet.
Some claim that she and HC have been friends since last year June, but the dating started around this year’s V-day.

Nobody knows who she is yet and she was already referred to as another blonde bimbo. rolling_eyes

Another person who seems to want to start trouble says that she might be preggers. All black, the coat and that’s why HC decided to show her. I can’t see any baby bump in all that black. eyes

Preggers? Some envious b*tches called her chubby. She looks fine and not preggers to me.

@Blue-Rose said:

I’m heartbroken and inconsolable. broken_heart sob

Perhaps the Doctor’s analysis will alleviate some of your pain. Everything points to Babadook. rofl

@HCFan said:

Some claim that she and HC have been friends since last year June, but the dating started around this year’s V-day.

Remember the Babadook? Remember the pic with a blonde lady in the background a few days after? It was said that the pic was photoshopped. Perhaps it wasn’t. Could be the same blonde lady. thinking

@Blue-Rose said:

BTW, if you really want to torture me, pics of HC in his boxerbriefs would cause me unbearable pain. sob

Does HC wear boxerbriefs? If yes, how do you know?

@Triksy said:

Remember the Babadook? Remember the pic with a blonde lady in the background a few days after? It was said that the pic was photoshopped. Perhaps it wasn’t. Could be the same blonde lady. thinking

I forgot about that. But per the usual, the new gf has a big section of HC’s fandom working overtime. Did you see the tarot card and the psychic reading? After many told those idiots that someone’s body language is influenced by their culture (the French are warm, romantic and very in touch with their feelings while Brits are cold, expressionless stiff upper lip), they decided to switch to those other two readings. rofl

@HCFan said:

On a Spanish IG, someone has summed up some info about HC’s gf.

She’s supposedly 26.
Some say she’s works for Mtech. Others say NX.
She’s referred to as beanie bc her name’s not known yet.
Some claim that she and HC have been friends since last year June, but the dating started around this year’s V-day.


@Blue-Rose said:



The "Man of Steel" star was snapped holding hands with a mystery woman in London on April 6. (See photos here.) Two days later, MailOnline reported that the blonde beauty is Canadian environmental scientist Danielle Beausoleil, who's previously worked as a fitness model. (See her here.


Wonderwall: The Superman actor's love is Hollywood studio executive Natalie Viscuso, who posted the same photo on her own Instagram account and captioned hers, "Just teaching my dear Henry how to play some chess…or…maybe he let me win?" According to LinkedIn, she's a television and digital studios vice president at Legendary Entertainment. And according to Instagram gossip account Deuxmoi and IMDB, she was on an episode of the MTV reality show "My Super Sweet 16" in 2005!

I said 15/16 yr to give him a kid. He’ll have to wait until I’m like 36 for that.

You only think about yourself. HC will be 52. No wonder he didn’t wait for you. laughing

Nobody knows who she is yet and she was already referred to as another blonde bimbo. rolling_eyes

Expect hate IG accounts with NV was a spoiled brat on MSS16. She used to bully her classmates. Her father uses his night clubs as a front for money laundering and human trafficking. I guess you can’t have an Italian name without people linking you to illegal crap. Gina Carano’s family was also linked to illegal crap. Something about casinos and money laundering. For the record, I think all that crap is BS. rolling_eyes

@Triksy said:

Remember the Babadook? Remember the pic with a blonde lady in the background a few days after? It was said that the pic was photoshopped. Perhaps it wasn’t. Could be the same blonde lady.

Yeah, it could be NV.

@HCFan said:

After many told those idiots that someone’s body language is influenced by their culture (the French are warm, romantic and very in touch with their feelings while Brits are cold, expressionless stiff upper lip), they decided to switch to those other two readings. rofl

No switch. Now they can use different readings. They want as many people to tell them that HC and whoever he’s dating don’t really like each other and that the relationship won’t last for long. laughing

@HCFan said:

Did you see the tarot card and the psychic reading?

Add astrological signs. Readers should start getting paid and pay taxes. money_mouth

@Sue-Yin said:

No switch. Now they can use different readings. They want as many people to tell them that HC and whoever he’s dating don’t really like each other and that the relationship won’t last for long. laughing

The readings are done by people who want Cavill to be either single or gay. What do you think the reading will say? laughing

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