Discuti Supergirl

Yeah that was real subtle when Cat Grant starts talking about how they will tell you they want to make the world great again with clenched fists and not to believe them and everybody needs to resist them with everything they got and fight fight fight yada yada. Good grief. I'm not going to stop watching the show, but I feel like I can't watch any of the newer shows anymore without them trying to push partisan politics.

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@pchandy said:

@Bunny Sprite said:

@illnagas said:

yes you are in fact whining since you started the frigging thread. And no one is "pushing it" lol. If that is really so hard for you to tolerate then your life must be really difficult. But you're still going to watch it so apparently it doesn't bother you, yet you started this idiotic thread just to complain about it. Just stfu. If there's a political opinion I don't like, I can debate it whereas you just run to "OH HEPP ME THAIR FORCING IT DOWN MUH THROT".

Harvey Weinstein said there's something he'd like to force down your throat.. rofl

Yep. These retards are willing to take throat full of wein'stain. I feel sorry those who gotta endure these clowns in real life. Being in a land that doest get affected by the bullshit propaganda through our favourite shows, it's getting relatively harder to follow these shows anymore.

What I don't get is why they even bother. It's not as though they're converting more people to their way of seeing things. They're only driving away those who either don't care about politics, or who are sick of leftist propaganda.

I will wait till episode 2 comes out. After this I am completely done with any new shows that come out. Except for maybe a sitcom or 2 if there's one I like.

Wow, this board has certainly come to life since I last posted on it. I'm surprised to see so many comments in agreement, that Supergirl has become saturated in left-wing politics.

Don't the writers and producers see that this is turning viewers off? A 40% drop in ratings from the season 2 finale to the season 3 premiere is quite significant. It's not just the left-wing politics either, I think it's also Mon-El. Apart from tweeny-bopping girls, I haven't seen any evidence that viewers like Mon-El, quite the opposite in fact. The writers and producers are aware of the hatred for that character, so they stick him in the ridiculous "prancing through the fields" opening scene. Really? Fun characters like Wynn are now nothing but background characters with a couple of lines per-episode too.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I think that the behaviour of the cast on social media is putting some people off the show as well. Of course, it's your Instagram or Twitter account, but spouting about how your current president is a tyrant and you're living under a dictatorship makes people think you're hysterical and not in the funny way.

And I'm surprised that they allow Dean Cain on the show, considering he's a staunch Republican.

If you look at past DC shows like Lois & Clark, which was a great show in my opinion, it wasn't filled with jabs at Conservatives/Republicans. If politics came up in Lois & Clark, it was only what was relevant to that show's universe, for example Tempus.

Note to the writers and producers of Supergirl: If you insult half of your consumer base then you will lose that half! It's simple business.

What does everyone else think?

I agree with everything you said. What all these celebs don't get is the constant political browbeating isn't pushing their agenda further into relevancy, it's pushing away so many normal people who will never buy into the bullshit.

I'm not a conservative, I didn't vote for Trump, but he's president now (elected the same as every other, despite the left's sorry attempt to make it seem like a rigged "Russian" election) and these people need to grow up and accept it, or they risk alienating people even further.

I wouldn't mind some Mon-El, but it's obvious he's been wedged in there to serve up puppy love for tweens. Like you said, it appears it's angering and turning more people away than anything else. Apparently they feel they can force this character on us, the same way they are forcing their left wing crap too. I think feminist everything has simply become tired (especially in light of seeing how nearly all of Hollywood aided and abetted an aggressive sexual predator through their deliberate silence). Also, it's just plain dumb to make a superhero character so caught up in a relationship that she no longer spends nearly the same time being a...superhero! There were a bunch of episodes where she was just sitting with him loafing and eating ice cream.

I want to be able to tune out to a simple, bullshit show without being bombarded by feminism, environmentalism, globalism, veganism, etc. I don't have issues with these things per se, but when I am not allowed even one second away from it, all it does is piss me off and guarantee I will never support any of it.

It makes me sad and disappointed to think that this show could have been pretty good, and seemed to be so in Season 1. I adore Melissa Benoist, and have been tickled pink that she is in a lead role where she is (well, was) prominently featured. It seems so pathetic the whole thing looks to be torpedoed by propaganda and a total lack of direction, intelligence, and common sense on the part of the writers.

If I could be made head writer for one season I could easily turn this show into a fun, exciting experience that we'd all love.

I still have not watched the season premiere but it's still on my DVR. But with the season finale from the last season I saw it as a sign of things to come. Right or left, I just don't like the insertion of politics into everything. Ofcourse it's always going to be left wing politics because that's what actors and Hollywood and producers are. And obviously it's going to be done in an insulting way towards people they disagree with. They do have that right to do this, but until the people make it clear that they don't want tv shows used as a platform to make political talking points and statement, it will only get worse. As I said in a previous post, after overlooking that sort of thing and watching the entire run of Boston Legal, I promised myself I would never be a party to that kind of garbage from a tv show ever again. This is the culture we're now living in where politics are inserted into everything and it's a real turnoff.

How many fake accounts does Russia have?

Hello again Bunny Sprite and Jayhn1111.

When season one was on CBS, Supergirl was a fun show that you could watch with the whole family, on your own, or with your significant other. Sadly, it is no longer fun.

I agree with Bunny Sprite about elections; Here in the UK we have a Conservative government, but when they won the election the left were out in force declaring it a fix. Conservative supporters are attacked in the street, yet you never see any Conservatives protesting and attacking the left, and the left calls the Conservatives the fascists.

I've stopped watching a lot of the shows that I used to love, 99% of which came from the BBC. Over here, the BBC is well-known for having a massive left-wing bias in all of their output, which is against the BBC's Royal Charter, however the BBC claims to be impartial time and time again. I stopped watching Doctor Who as it became intolerable with left leaning politics shoved into it after the Conservatives won the 2010 election here. Thank God for the classic Doctor Who DVDs! Another is Have I Got News For You, which was once a great political satirical game show with jabs directed at all sides, but now it's filled with complete hatred for anything that's not left wing.

But I digress somewhat.

I too adored Melissa Benoist in season one, I thought she was/is adorable and it was the first time I'd seen her in anything, although my wife knows her from Glee. I wouldn't mind a perfect Kara/Supergirl balance as long as it's done right and it can be done right. Lois & Clark had more Clark in it than Superman, heck there's an episode in the first season where he never changes into Superman and it's one of the best episodes in my opinion, so it can be done if the writing is spot on. However, for Supergirl from season 2 to now, it is not.

I pick and choose my shows very carefully now.

Bunny Sprite, how about writing a fan fiction Supergirl Season 2?

I'd like to write a fan fiction, but I don't think I'd have the time. I may look to try writing an episode or two, at least to rectify some of these lamebrained tangents the show has allowed itself to go on. Ha!

There are so many good ideas I have, not just with overall storyline, but with how Supergirl is presented and how she goes about herself. I know they can't go into it on TV, but it'd be nice if there was occasional random dalliances with light eroticism. You know everyone wants her to hook up with Lena! Their relationship seems very straightforward and seamless, without the typical awkwardness, friction, or lack of connection that is common with the other characters.

As far as the political stuff, I wouldn't mind the addressing of social/political things IF these people were actually doing anything off screen, and their message was more general, such as trying to help the poor or provide better social services like education and hospital care. But it's plainly obvious they don't give a shit about any of this stuff, and the only thing that irks them is they're not getting their way.

"Believe in and do everything I say!" is all you're left with after all their stammering and yammering and ranting. If these people are afraid Trump may start a war with North Korea, where the hell was their concern when Obama was at war with not just one, but six countries at once? Where was their outrage when he was firing rockets from drones at wedding ceremonies in foreign countries? It was where their outrage over Weinstein was, safely tucked away out of unconcerned convenience.

I for one ignore the political overtones. I take the show as fiction and at face value. If they're trying to force their Hollywood agenda on me, it ain't happening.

@GForce59 said:

I for one ignore the political overtones. I take the show as fiction and at face value. If they're trying to force their Hollywood agenda on me, it ain't happening.

I really don't mind it so much on this particular show, as it's done sooo over the top that it's just as deliberately, pompously ridiculous as it is being serious (if it is at all). Cat Grant's character is so pompous and comically absurd in just about every way, with her constant subtle jabs and jokes, that everything she says and does should be taken with a grain of salt.

I really only watch this show purely for Melissa Benoist, and while I've seen her post social/political stuff, I really don't take her for some big social/political activist, and I think she's saying and doing what she does related to this just to play along with the industry people she traffics with. She seems very un-hung up and like a very live-and-let-live kind of person, so I don't hold this stuff against her.

With that said, I can understand how others find it unacceptable given that I feel this way with just about every other show and celebrity that keeps banging on about how they think the election of Trump has ushered in the anointment of the anti-Christ and other such baselessly nonsensical mumbo jumbo.

@GForce59 said:

I for one ignore the political overtones. I take the show as fiction and at face value. If they're trying to force their Hollywood agenda on me, it ain't happening.

At this rate of pushing PC & Feminazi agenda with all new shows and movies, I wouldn't be surprised if they fv(k up Game of throne's ending by making cercei the undisputed ruler of 7kingdoms.

@sherinator said:

Hello again Bunny Sprite and Jayhn1111.

When season one was on CBS, Supergirl was a fun show that you could watch with the whole family, on your own, or with your significant other. Sadly, it is no longer fun.

I agree with Bunny Sprite about elections; Here in the UK we have a Conservative government, but when they won the election the left were out in force declaring it a fix. Conservative supporters are attacked in the street, yet you never see any Conservatives protesting and attacking the left, and the left calls the Conservatives the fascists.

I've stopped watching a lot of the shows that I used to love, 99% of which came from the BBC. Over here, the BBC is well-known for having a massive left-wing bias in all of their output, which is against the BBC's Royal Charter, however the BBC claims to be impartial time and time again. I stopped watching Doctor Who as it became intolerable with left leaning politics shoved into it after the Conservatives won the 2010 election here. Thank God for the classic Doctor Who DVDs! Another is Have I Got News For You, which was once a great political satirical game show with jabs directed at all sides, but now it's filled with complete hatred for anything that's not left wing.

But I digress somewhat.

I too adored Melissa Benoist in season one, I thought she was/is adorable and it was the first time I'd seen her in anything, although my wife knows her from Glee. I wouldn't mind a perfect Kara/Supergirl balance as long as it's done right and it can be done right. Lois & Clark had more Clark in it than Superman, heck there's an episode in the first season where he never changes into Superman and it's one of the best episodes in my opinion, so it can be done if the writing is spot on. However, for Supergirl from season 2 to now, it is not.

I pick and choose my shows very carefully now.

Bunny Sprite, how about writing a fan fiction Supergirl Season 2?

Thanks for your input. I look forward to everybody's comments on episode 2

@Jayhn1111 said:

@sherinator said:

Hello again Bunny Sprite and Jayhn1111.

When season one was on CBS, Supergirl was a fun show that you could watch with the whole family, on your own, or with your significant other. Sadly, it is no longer fun.

I agree with Bunny Sprite about elections; Here in the UK we have a Conservative government, but when they won the election the left were out in force declaring it a fix. Conservative supporters are attacked in the street, yet you never see any Conservatives protesting and attacking the left, and the left calls the Conservatives the fascists.

I've stopped watching a lot of the shows that I used to love, 99% of which came from the BBC. Over here, the BBC is well-known for having a massive left-wing bias in all of their output, which is against the BBC's Royal Charter, however the BBC claims to be impartial time and time again. I stopped watching Doctor Who as it became intolerable with left leaning politics shoved into it after the Conservatives won the 2010 election here. Thank God for the classic Doctor Who DVDs! Another is Have I Got News For You, which was once a great political satirical game show with jabs directed at all sides, but now it's filled with complete hatred for anything that's not left wing.

But I digress somewhat.

I too adored Melissa Benoist in season one, I thought she was/is adorable and it was the first time I'd seen her in anything, although my wife knows her from Glee. I wouldn't mind a perfect Kara/Supergirl balance as long as it's done right and it can be done right. Lois & Clark had more Clark in it than Superman, heck there's an episode in the first season where he never changes into Superman and it's one of the best episodes in my opinion, so it can be done if the writing is spot on. However, for Supergirl from season 2 to now, it is not.

I pick and choose my shows very carefully now.

Bunny Sprite, how about writing a fan fiction Supergirl Season 2?

Thanks for your input. I look forward to everybody's comments on episode 2

More lesbian drama and sulking over mon-el whom I don't mind because he was a badass in the vampire diaries as Kai

More lesbian drama and sulking over mon-el whom I don't mind because he was a badass in the vampire diaries as Kai

Gosh, I hope not. They need to go back to the roots of Season 1 that made this show something worthy of renewal...or at least survival...to The CW. Personally I enjoyed the sisterly bond that Kara and Alex expanded on during the first season...and it wasn't in every other scene. They placed it perfectly. I loved how Alex told Kara that "Kara" was her favorite person in the world, and to remember that as she plans on eliminating her. I don't want Supergirl 90210. I don't mind Alex and Maggie's relationship at all. They don't try to shove that down our throats...at least I don't feel that way. Kara and Mon-El literally had me shut the program off several times last season. I couldn't stand it. That scene where Mon-El announced to everyone they were dating was bearable...if it was the exception and not the rule. Instead of toning it down from there, it increased! I have nothing at all against Chris Wood or even the character himself. (He could have been a badass hero and they squandered that for lovey dovey baloney.) I don't know what it was, but the angst was weighing me down.

I'd like to see more comic book action and less The Young and the Restless drama this season.

The good part of episode 2 is there was no obnoxious political pandering (aside from the lesbian stuff). Unfortunately the writing was really bad.

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