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No, Aidan. This isn't Eyes Wide Shut, okay?


As the man wakes up in his car, he finds himself confronted by an angry mechanic demanding payment for repairs. In a fit of rage, he steps out and knocks the mechanic over. As he walks through the streets, he encounters a homeless man, a normal boy, and a police officer. His violent outbursts continue as he destroys property and attacks anyone in his path. Eventually, he collapses in exhaustion, realizing the consequences of his actions. Through the eyes of those around him, we see the devastating impact of unchecked anger and violence, and the importance of seeking help when struggling with mental health issues. The man is taken into custody and given the help he needs to overcome his issues and make amends for the damage he caused.

  1. Elijah Batten


Top Billed Cast

  1. Elijah Batten

    Bob Davillo

  2. Leroy De Costa

    Mike Elren

  3. Aidan Wray

    Officer Mikey Scottington

  4. Eli Cusch

    George Richardson

Full Cast & Crew

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $200.00

Revenue -


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Still needs a little work.

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