In the Shadow of Light (2023)

06/15/2023 (GB) Documentary 1h 6m
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Life in the isolated town of Charrúa is dominated by the presence of a large power plant that distributes energy to most of Chile. A little boy hunts rabbits, residents demand better electrical coverage at a town meeting, a woman waters the plants outside her house and a local radio station relays the day's happenings. At night, wildlife is captured on camera, along with strange bursts of light that momentarily illuminate a countryside criss-crossed with pylons and cables. And ever present is the insidious hum of electricity.

  1. Isabel Reyes Bustos


  2. Ignacia Merino Bustos


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Original Title A la sombra de la luz

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget $200,000.00

Revenue -


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