Seduced (2013)

Adult NC-17 11/09/2013 (US) 1h 30m
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Whether it's fuck buddies who constantly tempt each other, a photographer pushing his model to the hottest shot, lovers who get each other hot and bothered, or a dad who lures his son's friend for a fuck; these eight studs are all Seduced. They are all willing players in the game of seduction, where desires and fantasies turn into lustful and passionate hard core encounters. Sometimes it's a glance, sometimes it's a grab, sometimes it's a lick, sometimes it's a command - whatever the tactics they use, these men know how to play the game and get what they want. These four fiery scenarios directed by Tony Dimarco and Bruno Bond expertly engage you in delicious situations that will have your dick standing at attention. You'll be seduced by these hot studs and you'll find yourself shooting your load right along with them.

  1. Bruno Bond


  2. Tony DiMarco


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