From Food to Freedom (2023)

05/23/2023 (US) Documentary 1h 38m
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Imagine what would happen if you took six people suffering from type 2 diabetes and put them in a house together for 10 days, with only delicious food as their medicine. That’s what filmmaker Nelson Campbell and his team did. The results were astounding.


From Food to Freedom tells the story of a live-in immersion program in Greensboro, NC with six participants (and two spouses) diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The 10-day program includes biometric testing, physician supervision, and daily meals. As we go through the immersion, we hear from participants of their past struggles living with such a dreaded disease, and we hear of their hope for a better life. We watch firsthand as they suddenly change their diet from a standard American diet to a whole food plant-based diet, and we see how this leads to unexpected and astounding results.

  1. Nelson Campbell


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From Food to Freedom

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Original Language English

Budget -

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