Dangerous Obsession (2004)

09/16/2004 (AR) ActionDramaThriller 2h 6m
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An Argentine truck driver is on a routine trip through Rio de Janeiro when he meets a mysterious countryman. They travel back to Argentina together, meeting a beautiful Brazilian journalist on the way. The truck driver has revenge on his mind, and both the adventurous young man, and the gorgeous girl join him in this venture. The only thing the three have in common are their obsession for honor and justice.

  1. Raúl Rodríguez Peila


  2. Carlos Luis Mentasti


  3. Marcelo Figueras


  4. Daniel Botti


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Dangerous Obsession
Dangerous Obsession

Original Title Peligrosa obsesión

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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