American Dream Girls (1987)

Adult R 03/17/1987 (US) 1h 17m
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Star spangled beauties that will make you SIZZLE!


Trinity Loren, Lisa Melendez and Nikki Dee are the American Dream Girls. They offer fast and furious sex with a heavy helping of the hot and nasty to make sure that you get what you need, to get through the night. When a frustrated married couple falls to sleep wishing for a chance to 'scratch that itch', they dream up a slam-bang sexual showdown that will leave you aching for more! Will their marriage survive after all the boning, pumping and groaning that each contestant does in the hope of being chosen as the perfect partner for the sleeping hubby? Meanwhile, his wife is caught up in a sexual experience so vivid, that we are forced to attach this warning for the feint hearted.

  1. Ron Jeremy

    Director, Writer

There are no offers for American Dream Girls.

Top Billed Cast

  1. Honey Wilder

    Honey Wilder


  2. Lisa Melendez

    Lisa Melendez


  3. Nikki Knights

    Nikki Knights


  4. Trinity Loren

    Trinity Loren

    The Late Entry

  5. Dan T. Mann

    Dan T. Mann

  6. Frank James

    Frank James


  7. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy


  8. Scott Irish

    Scott Irish

    Scott (Jennifer's Husband)

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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