Manu (2023)

06/01/2023 (NP) 1h 18m
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Bholanath (84 year old) is counting his last days. He has come to live in the city with his grandson and daughter in law. He shares a room with his grandson. Boredom on deathbed makes Bholanath reminisce about various parts of his life. He gets delusional and gets haunted by daydreams, old age and impending death to reevaluate his life. Grandson seems devoted in the service of his invalid grandfather, but time to time he gets irritated by the uncivilized and old aged behavior of his grandfather. The impending and intolerable pain of death bed of his grandpa compels him to question his own existence.

  1. Shridhar Niraula

    Director, Writer

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Original Language Nepali

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