Snow-White and Rose-Red (1979)

0 07/05/1979 (DE) FantasyFamily 1h 10m
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In an enchanted forest, the princely brothers Michael and Andreas get lost and are transformed, by a mountain spirit who jealously guards his underground treasure, into animals until the unlikely event of sincere love from a human. The only persons who may be able to give such love are the local commoner sisters Snow-white and Rose-red, who are kind and helpful by nature and stand to harvest unimagined rewards.

  1. Siegfried Hartmann

    Director, Writer

  2. Wilhelm Grimm


  3. Jacob Grimm


  4. Margot Beichler


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Snow-White and Rose-Red
Snow-White and Rose-Red

Original Title Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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