Hitwoman (1998)

01/01/1998 (US) Horror 1h
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Kassie Karr stars as Natasha, a hitwoman for hire, who has 17 hits to her credit. Natasha is hired to get rid of a cop by the name of Jack Ellis (Dean Paul Fragola), but before she can do that, she must eliminate Serena (Michelle Caporaletti), a witness the mob wants dead! But Serena isn’t who she appears to be, and Natasha finds herself in a pitched gun battle with her quarry from which the only one will walk away alive. And then if Natasha survives her first encounter, then she must face Jack gun to gun. Also starring Dawn Murphy as Ellis’ partner and Lori Klugman and a go-go dancer with whom Ellis becomes infatuated.

  1. Gary Whitson


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Top Billed Cast

  1. Kassie Karr


  2. Dean Paul Fragola

    Jack Ellis

  3. Michelle Caporaletti


  4. Dawn Murphy

    Dawn Murphy

    Ellis’ partner

  5. Lori Klugman

    Go-go dancer

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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