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Wetware (2017)

01/01/2017 (DE) Animation 4m
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Both abject through its texture and relatable in its fragility, WETWARE offers hyperreality without the common symptoms of alienation. A seemingly self-sustaining ‘organism’ is generated completely in digital through synthesis without reliance on ’real’ imagery. The resulting image is limitless, perpetually spilling outside itself. Suggesting a feed pulsating beyond a bodily surface or even any bodily context, the work examines digital intimacies while also referencing worship music in its relaxing albeit disorienting sonic composition.

  1. Martin Sulzer


Wetware is currently available to stream, rent, and buy in Colombia. JustWatch makes it easy to find out where you can legally watch your favorite movies & TV shows online. Visit JustWatch for more information.



  • $6,900.00 SD
  • $7,900.00 HD
  • $7,900.00 SD
  • $9,900.00 HD
  • $9,900.00 SD


  • $22,900.00 SD
  • $24,900.00 HD
  • $65,000.00 HD
  • $65,000.00 SD

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Original Language English

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