Muscled Poppers (2024)
They might not be the prettiest boys in the pack, but we’ve a sneaking suspicion that the stars of this offering – the likes of Matt Sizemore, Bill Marlowe, and Jack Panther – won’t give a fuck. Indeed, all they care about is the kind of fuck that matters; with other muscular dudes, who love cock as much as they do. In the bedroom, on the sofa – they don’t care. They just need the kind of satisfaction that only hot, sweaty breeding between like-minded brutes can provide; and it’s no time at all before every one of these hunks is giving deep-throated and deep-assed attention to their equally horny counterparts. Little wonder that it’s no time at all before they’re brimming on the edge; squirting thick, generous wads for their mates to enjoy!
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