Esa ja Vesa – auringonlaskun ratsastajat (1994)

K-12 11/11/1994 (FI) ComedyActionCrime 1h 33m
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Computer professional Vesa Rajala rushes to home from a work trip because his wife Sanna is leaving for Greece with her new lover, Georgios from next door.

  1. Aleksi Mäkelä


  2. Heikki Vihinen


Top Billed Cast

  1. Santeri Kinnunen

    Santeri Kinnunen

    Vesa Rajala

  2. Juha Veijonen

    Juha Veijonen

    Esa Haanpää

  3. Aino Seppo

    Aino Seppo

    Sanna Rajala

  4. Minna Pirilä

    Margit Hautala

  5. Risto Tuorila

    Risto Tuorila

    Ylikomisario Saari

  6. Vesa Vierikko

    Vesa Vierikko

    Ossi Kemppainen

  7. Teemu Lehtilä

    Teemu Lehtilä


  8. Emmi Parviainen

    Emmi Parviainen

    Miisa Rajala

  9. Antti Litja

    Makkonen, poliisi

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language Finnish

Budget $3,120,375.00

Revenue -


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