Shadowheart (2009)

16 08/04/2009 (US) ActionAdventureDramaRomanceWestern 1h 54m
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James Conners comes home to the town of Legend, New Mexico in 1865 to avenge his fathers death against the ruthless Will Tunney. Along the way he re-captures his long lost love Mary Cooper. With the chance to take Will Tunney he must choose revenge or redemption.

  1. Dean Alioto

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Brad Goodman


  3. Peter Vanderwall


  4. Justin Ament


Top Billed Cast

  1. Justin Ament

    James Conners

  2. William Sadler

    William Sadler

    Thomas Conners

  3. Daniel Baldwin

    Daniel Baldwin

    Mr. McKinley

  4. Ines Dali

    Ines Dali


  5. Angus Macfadyen

    Angus Macfadyen

    Will Tunney

  6. Marnie Alton

    Marnie Alton

    Mary Cooper

  7. Tonantzin Carmelo

    Tonantzin Carmelo


  8. Shawn Reaves

    Shawn Reaves

    Johny Cooper

  9. Charles Napier

    Charles Napier

    Sheriff Sanders

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $10,000,000.00

Revenue -


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