Kungsleden (1964)

15 12/18/1964 (SE) Drama 1h 46m
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'The King's Mountain Path' is a long line for wandering, with unmanned sleeping accommodation cabins at appropriate distances. It is not without dangers, in particular when narrow and shallow but speedily running creeks must be crossed. - When they were teenagers, a boy and girl wandered along this path, and had a sexual relation. They decided to meet again after exactly ten years, and at exactly this path. Both kept the promise.

  1. Gunnar Höglund

    Director, Writer

  2. Bosse Gustafsson


  3. Bosse Gustafsson


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Top Billed Cast

  1. Mathias Henrikson

    Mathias Henrikson

    Du (You)

  2. Maude Adelson

    Maude Adelson

    Leni Wodak

  3. Lars Lind

    Lars Lind

    Den andre (Other Man)

  4. Guy De La Berg

    German Tourist

  5. Josef Blind


Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language Swedish

Budget -

Revenue -


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