Lembing Awang Pulang Ke Dayang (2009)

10/22/2009 (MY) ActionRomance
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This movie is related to an incident that occurred in Johor. It occurred in 1776 when a man called Awang returned to Parit Raja after more than 3 years abroad to marry his fiancee Dayang. Upon his return, he found out that another man called Bachok had told Dayang of Awang's death and planning to marry her the next day. Awang turned up at the wedding ceremony and using a spear given by Raja Bugis, he speared Bachok in the stomach. Bachok, fatally injured grabbed the spear in his stomach and speared his best man. The man then speared the next man he saw and this was repeated until the 99th person was speared. It was Dayang's father who was protecting Dayang. He did not continue the repeated spearing and died. Awang ran away to Endau and Dayang did not marry another till she died.

  1. Majed Salleh


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Top Billed Cast

  1. Farid Kamil

    Farid Kamil


  2. Zul Huzaimy

    Zul Huzaimy


  3. Lynette Ludi


  4. Hattan


    Panglima Merah

  5. Mustapha Maarof

    Mustapha Maarof

    Pak Ngah

  6. Kuswadinata


    Pak Long

  7. Khir Rahman

    Khir Rahman

    Nakhoda Galigor

  8. Rosnani Jamil

    Mak Ngah

  9. Uji Rashid

    Mak Long

  10. View More

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Lembing Awang Pulang Ke Dayang

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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