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Flowers (2014)

7 10/30/2015 (US) Drama 1h 39m
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They're Just Flowers


Ane is in her mid-forties and delighted when a stunning bouquet of flowers is delivered to her home. But the site manager has no idea who to thank – one thing is for sure; her jealous husband, Ander, is not the unknown cavalier. As these gallantries increase, always on a Thursday and always with an anonymous sender, Ane’s life takes on a new direction. The life of Lourdes is also sent into turmoil by beautiful bouquets of flowers: Since the death of her husband in a traffic accident, flowers have been deposited regularly at the scene. Lourdes’ mother-in-law, Tere, is determined to get to the bottom of the anonymous flowers. Jon Garaño and José Mari Goenaga’s feature film debut pays charming homage to three headstrong women and the power of flowers.

  1. Jose Mari Goenaga

    Director, Writer

  2. Jon Garaño

    Director, Writer

  3. Aitor Arregi


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Original Title Loreak

Status Released

Original Language Basque

Budget -

Revenue -


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