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How I Got Into College (1989)

PG-13 05/19/1989 (US) ComedyRomance 1h 26m
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A horror story so intense, so barbaric, so frightening it will have you running for your local army recruiter.


High school senior Marlon Bowne is smitten with overachieving classmate Jessica Kailo. But, if he wants to have a shot with her, he'll have to find a way to get into Ramsey College, Jessica's top choice of schools. It won't be easy, since the college is highly selective and Marlon's grades are hardly impressive. That means the lovelorn teen will have to find a way to score high on the SATs and win over the college admissions committee.

  1. Savage Steve Holland


  2. Terrel Seltzer


Top Billed Cast

  1. Anthony Edwards

    Anthony Edwards

    Kip Hammett

  2. Corey Parker

    Corey Parker

    Marlon Browne

  3. Lara Flynn Boyle

    Lara Flynn Boyle

    Jessica Kailo

  4. Finn Carter

    Finn Carter

    Nina Sachie

  5. Charles Rocket

    Charles Rocket

    Leo Whitman

  6. Christopher Rydell

    Christopher Rydell


  7. Gary Owens

    Gary Owens

    Sports Announcer

  8. Brian Doyle-Murray

    Brian Doyle-Murray

    Coach Evans

  9. Tichina Arnold

    Tichina Arnold

    Vera Cook

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

How I Got Into College
How I Got Into College

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue $1,642,239.00


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