Tach, Herr Dokter! – Der Heinz-Becker-Film (1999)

12 10/28/1999 (DE) Comedy 1h 30m
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Next to the home of Heinz and Hilde Becker is the villa of the company boss Dr. Bernhard Schenkberg and his wife, who he called "Püppchen". While Schenkberg always politely strives for a good neighborly relationship, his elegant, arrogant wife looks down contemptuously on the grumpy, constantly do-it-yourself Heinz and the conservative, naive housewife Hilde.

  1. Gerd Dudenhöffer

    Director, Writer

  2. Gernot Roll


Top Billed Cast

  1. Gerd Dudenhöffer

    Gerd Dudenhöffer

    Heinz Becker

  2. Sabine Urig

    Sabine Urig

    Hilde Becker

  3. Horst Krause

    Horst Krause

    Dr. Schenkberg

  4. Petra Zieser

    Petra Zieser

    Frau Schenkberg

  5. Henning Hoffsten

    Maier Kurt

  6. Susanna Simon

    Susanna Simon

    Sekretärin Frau Rickebick

Full Cast & Crew

Tach, Herr Dokter! – Der Heinz-Becker-Film
Tach, Herr Dokter! – Der Heinz-Becker-Film

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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