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Up the Creek (1984)

R 04/06/1984 (US) Comedy 1h 36m
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Who says a bunch of boobs can't win a race?


Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life. Bob, Irwing, Gonzer and Max are the four losers forced and bribed to represent their university in an intercollegiate raft race. Forced and bribed into this role, they make some friends, the lovely Heather Merriweather, but mostly enemies, among others a whole team of marines, and preppy IVY-leaguers determined to win.

  1. Jim Kouf

    Screenplay, Story

  2. Robert Butler


  3. Jeff Sherman


  4. Douglas Grossman


Top Billed Cast

  1. Tim Matheson

    Tim Matheson

    Bob McGraw

  2. Dan Monahan

    Dan Monahan


  3. Sandy Helberg

    Sandy Helberg


  4. Stephen Furst

    Stephen Furst


  5. Blaine Novak

    Blaine Novak

    Capt. Braverman

  6. Jeff East

    Jeff East

    Rex Crandall

  7. Will Bledsoe

    Will Bledsoe

    Roger van Dyke

  8. Grant Wilson


  9. Mark Andrews


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Up the Creek
Up the Creek

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue $11,708,269.00


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