The Tenants (1976)

02/20/1976 (PH) Drama 1h 58m
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It proceeds to document the stages of sugar production once in the mill then shifts to the unrest outside where a sakada was shot to death by one of the hacienda's guards. A sakada is a farmer who works in a sugarcane field, harvesting it during the months of October to December.

  1. Lualhati Bautista

    Screenplay, Story

  2. Oscar Miranda

    Screenplay, Story

  3. Behn Cervantes


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Top Billed Cast

  1. Robert Arevalo

    Robert Arevalo


  2. Hilda Koronel

    Hilda Koronel


  3. Pancho Magalona

    Pancho Magalona

    Don Manuel

  4. Bembol Roco

    Bembol Roco


  5. Gloria Romero

    Gloria Romero

    Doña Consuelo

  6. Rosa Rosal

    Rosa Rosal


  7. Tony Santos

    Tony Santos

    Arsenio del Mundo

  8. Joseph Sytangco

    Juan Miguel

  9. Alicia Alonzo

    Alicia Alonzo


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Sakada

Status Released

Original Language Tagalog

Budget -

Revenue -


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