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First Man into Space (1959)

NR 02/27/1959 (US) Science FictionHorrorDrama 1h 17m
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The picture that leaps ahead of the headlines!


The first pilot to leave Earth's atmosphere lands, then vanishes; but something with a craving for blood prowls the countryside...

  1. Robert Day


  2. Charles F. Vetter


  3. John Croydon


  4. Wyott Ordung


Top Billed Cast

  1. Marshall Thompson

    Marshall Thompson

    Cmdr. Charles Ernest Prescott

  2. Marla Landi

    Marla Landi

    Tia Francesca

  3. Bill Edwards

    Bill Edwards

    Lt. Dan Milton Prescott

  4. Robert Ayres

    Robert Ayres

    Capt. Ben Richards

  5. Carl Jaffe

    Carl Jaffe

    Dr. Paul von Essen

  6. Bill Nagy

    Bill Nagy

    Police Chief Wilson

  7. Roger Delgado

    Roger Delgado

    Mexican Consul - Ramon de Guerrera

  8. John McLaren

    John McLaren

    State Dept. Official, Harold Atkins

  9. Spencer Teakle

    Ratings Control Room

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

First Man into Space
First Man into Space

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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