From the Ocean Depths They Strike...To Terrorize...To Mate...And To Kill!
After a new cannery introduces scientifically augmented salmon to a seaside town in the Pacific Northwest, a species of mysterious, mutated sea creatures begin killing the men and raping the women.
This Roger Corman production was released in 1980 and concerns a northern California fishing community beset by humanoid marine creatures intent on killing the dudes and having sex with the ladies. It’s as if the creatures say: "Where all dem white wimmens at?" Doug McClure plays the lead protagonist, Jim Hill, while Anthony Pena is on hand as a persecuted Indian, Johnny Eagle.
The monsters aren’t too far removed from the Gill-man from “Creature from the Black Lagoon” (1954), albeit with big heads, sharp teeth, loong arms and huge tails. The setting... read the rest.