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Crazy Bitches (2014)

06/26/2014 (US) ComedyHorror 1h 40m
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7 girls and 1 fab gay guy plan a getaway to a remote ranch for a week of gossip and grub. They start off where they always do, old rivalries in place, extreme vanity covering great insecurities, but with a true love for each other underneath the bickering, sniping and sassing. A number of drinks into night one and a dark secret is revealed. The house they rented is the site of a mass murder of teenage girls 15 years earlier. Blood still stains the floors under replacement carpets. The killer still runs free. The girls take it for what it seems - a fun story for a rainy night by a roaring fire. But after one of them disappears and is discovered dead, the story doesn't seem so fun anymore. 1 by 1, they die, killed by their own vanity. The fun-filled week turns into a race against death. Who will make it out alive?

  1. Jane Clark

    Director, Writer

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Crazy Bitches
Crazy Bitches

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $3.00

Revenue $2.00


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