The Story of Me (2009)

14 anos 08/07/2009 (BR) Drama 1h 46m
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Based on the life of Roberto Carlos Ramos, a Brazilian teacher and storyteller brought up in a state educational institution for poor children.

  1. Luiz Villaça


  2. Maurício Arruda


  3. José Roberto Torero


Top Billed Cast

  1. Maria de Medeiros

    Maria de Medeiros


  2. Marco Antonio Ribeiro

    Marco Antonio Ribeiro

    Roberto Carlos - 6 years

  3. Paulinho Mendes

    Paulinho Mendes

    Roberto Carlos - 13 years

  4. Malu Galli

    Malu Galli


  5. Cleiton Santos

    Cleiton Santos

    Roberto Carlos - 19 years

  6. Ju Colombo

    Ju Colombo

    Roberto Carlos's Mother

  7. Victor Augusto da Silva

    Victor Augusto da Silva

    Cabelinho de Fogo

  8. Teuda Bara

    Teuda Bara

    Dona Judith (professora FEBEM)

  9. Chico Diaz

    Chico Diaz


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title O Contador de Histórias

Status Released

Original Language Portuguese

Budget -

Revenue -


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