The Graffiti Artist (2004)

G 01/19/2006 (US) 1h 20m
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Adrift in the lush, nocturnal urban landscape of THE GRAFFITI ARTIST, Nick (Ruben Bansie-Snellman) is a post-modern urban hero asserting his anarchistic agenda on the endless maze of virgin exterior walls that comprise downtown Seattle and Portland. For this iconoclastic young visionary, the vast wall surfaces of deserted alleys and train yards are at once a daunting symbol of capitalist oppression and a texturally rich, seamless tableau ripe for exploitation to amplify his artistic dialectic of anger and rebellion.

  1. James Bolton

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Ruben Bansie-Snellman

    Ruben Bansie-Snellman


  2. Pepper Fajans


  3. Luke Cook

    Luke Cook

    Boy at Burnside Skate Park

Full Cast & Crew

The Graffiti Artist
The Graffiti Artist

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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