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The Incredible Petrified World (1959)

NR 11/18/1959 (US) AdventureScience FictionThriller 1h 10m
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See women trapped in fantastic caverns at the center of Earth!


When the cable breaks on their diving bell four people find themselves trapped in a hidden underwater world.

  1. Jerry Warren


  2. John W. Steiner


Top Billed Cast

  1. John Carradine

    John Carradine

    Prof. Millard Wyman

  2. Robert Clarke

    Robert Clarke

    Craig Randall

  3. Phyllis Coates

    Phyllis Coates

    Dale Marshall

  4. Allen Windsor

    Paul Whitmore

  5. Sheila Noonan

    Sheila Noonan

    Lauri Talbott

  6. George Skaff

    Dr. J.R. Matheny

  7. Maurice Bernard

    Old Man in the Caverns

  8. Joe Maierhouser

    Jim Wyman

  9. Lloyd Nelson

    Lloyd Nelson

    Wilson, Sonar Man

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Incredible Petrified World
The Incredible Petrified World

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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