Strawberry Wine (2009)

05/08/2009 (PL) Drama 1h 49m
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This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.

  1. Dariusz Jabłoński

    Director, Writer

  2. Andrzej Stasiuk

    Novel, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Jiří Macháček

    Jiří Macháček


  2. Zuzana Fialová

    Zuzana Fialová

    Lubica Zalatywój

  3. Marian Dziędziel

    Marian Dziędziel

    Adam Kosciejny

  4. Mieczysław Grąbka

    Mieczysław Grąbka


  5. Jerzy Radziwiłowicz

    Jerzy Radziwiłowicz


  6. Lech Łotocki

    Lech Łotocki

    Mietek Lewandowski

  7. Maciej Stuhr

    Maciej Stuhr


  8. Marek Litewka

    Marek Litewka

    Wladyslaw Zalatywój

  9. Maria Ciunelis

    Maria Ciunelis

    Irenka - Barwoman

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Wino truskawkowe

Status Released

Original Language Polish

Budget -

Revenue -


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