The Wild Life (1984)

R 09/28/1984 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 36m
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Eighties teen romp involving Bill and his new apartment, Jim and his rebellious antics, Tom and his crazy self, and Anita with her older man David.

  1. Art Linson


  2. Cameron Crowe


Top Billed Cast

  1. Chris Penn

    Chris Penn

    Tom Drake (as Christopher Penn)

  2. Lea Thompson

    Lea Thompson


  3. Eric Stoltz

    Eric Stoltz

    Bill Conrad

  4. Jenny Wright

    Jenny Wright


  5. Ilan Mitchell-Smith

    Ilan Mitchell-Smith

    Jim Conrad

  6. Rick Moranis

    Rick Moranis


  7. Hart Bochner

    Hart Bochner

    David Curtiss

  8. Randy Quaid

    Randy Quaid


  9. Robert Ridgely

    Robert Ridgely

    Craig Davis

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Wild Life
The Wild Life

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue $9,500,000.00


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