Producing Adults (2004)

K-12 09/17/2004 (FI) DramaComedyRomance 1h 42m
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Just when you think you've grown up...everything changes


Longtime couple Venla and Antero come to a serious impasse. After years with Antero, Venla wants to start a family, but her boyfriend, worried that parenthood will stifle his speed-skating career, secretly gets a vasectomy. Determined to have a child, Venla seeks help from a female fertility doctor, a decision that breeds new possibilities for the prospective mother when she falls in love with the doctor.

  1. Aleksi Salmenperä


  2. Pekko Pesonen


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Producing Adults
Producing Adults

Original Title Lapsia ja aikuisia

Status Released

Original Language Finnish

Budget -

Revenue -


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