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June, Adrift (2014)

06/28/2014 (US) DramaComedy 1h 24m
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It's never too late to hit reset and try to find happiness. Failures are inevitable, but rebounds are possible.


Emma is an aspiring sound designer in LA stuck paying the bills by creating sound effects for pornos. Barkley has secretly dropped out of her Masters program but still pretends to go every morning so her Polish immigrant family doesn’t have to find out she fizzled. And Rachel is the best elementary school teacher in the world but has a completely empty life when she’s not at school. After hearing that Emma’s parents have abandoned her failed boat building project to the trash collectors, the three millennials drive to rural Maryland to rescue and restore both the boat and their pride. As they build, they learn from each other and two colorful locals what may be required to reconcile their dreams with their realities.

  1. Adrienne Subia


  2. Christine Hassay


  3. Amanda McCann


  4. Cassie Ramoska


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June, Adrift
June, Adrift

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $95,000.00

Revenue -


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