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Pornography: A Thriller (2009)

NR 06/21/2009 (US) ThrillerMysteryHorror 1h 55m
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A Thriller weaves together three different but curiously related stories centering on the mysterious disappearance of quintessential “boy-next-door” gay porn star Mark Anton.

  1. David Kittredge


  2. David Kittredge


Top Billed Cast

  1. Matthew Montgomery

    Matthew Montgomery

    Michael Castigan

  2. Pete Scherer

    Matt Stevens

  3. Jared Grey

    Jared Grey

    Mark Anton

  4. Walter Delmar

    Walter Delmar

    William / Jason

  5. Dylan Vox

    Dylan Vox

    Jason Steele

  6. Steve Callahan

    Steve Callahan


  7. Wyatt Fenner

    Wyatt Fenner

    Student / Angel

  8. Nick Salamone


  9. Larry Weissman


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Pornography: A Thriller
Pornography: A Thriller

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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