The Reconstruction (1994)

18+ 10/10/1994 (IL) Documentary 50m
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On December 8, 1983 a fifteen year old Jewish boy from the city of Haifa was kidnapped, murdered and sexually abused after his death. Five Arabs who worked in in the neighborhood’s supermarket were convicted and imprisoned for life and 27 years. The conviction was based only on the defendants’ confessions and reconstructions. Seventeen years after their conviction, the five defendants still claim they are innocent. "​The Reconstruction" follows the police investigation and juridical process step by step. The heart of the film is the original videotaped reconstructions of the murder performed by the defendants in which they admit their guilt.

  1. Avi Mograbi


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The Reconstruction

Original Title Ha-Shich'zoor

Status Released

Original Language Hebrew

Budget -

Revenue -


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