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Leon Schuster or “Schuks Tshabalala” and Shorty (Alfred Ntombela) intend to produce a movie as a visual guide and aid for foreigners coming to SA for the World Cup. Schuks Tshabalala is a teacher and tour guide to a mixed bag of tourists who are taking his survival guide to SA very seriously. Shorty, as usual, is his best friend, assistant and conscience. The students include ”Heinz” from Germany, “Yoti” from Greece, “Jean-Pierre” from France, “Koert” from The Netherlands, “Rajin” from India, “Maggie” from Ireland and “Xing Xang” from China, among others. They are genuinely eager to learn about SA, so Schuks and Shorty are only too happy to oblige. What follows is a series of hysterical demonstrations of life in SA as they attempt to answer all the questions posed by potential visitors.

  1. Gray Hofmeyr

    Director, Writer

  2. Leon Schuster


  3. Gus Silber


Top Billed Cast

  1. Leon Schuster

    Leon Schuster

    Dr. Schuks Tshabalala / Various

  2. Alfred Ntombela

    Alfred Ntombela

    Alf (Shorty)

  3. Sean Higgs

    Sean Higgs


  4. Brent Palmer


  5. Tanit Phoenix

    Tanit Phoenix

    Sexy Nurse

  6. Matthew Dylan Roberts

    Matthew Dylan Roberts

    Jean Pierre

  7. Siobhan Hodgson

    Siobhan Hodgson


  8. Emily Child

    Emily Child


  9. Karl Jansen


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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