Chocolate, Chewing Gum & Brown Babies (2010)

11/10/2010 (LU) Documentary 1h 35m
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On September 10, 1944, the first Americans Liberators cross the Luxembourgish border, their pockets filled with chocolate, chewing gum and cigarettes. Friendships are born, affairs, even lasting relationships. The number of white and black babies of unknown fathers that are born in the next few months in Luxembourg remains unknown. This incredible and thorough documentary by Andy Bausch features comprehensive, amusing and often touching interviews with Luxembourgers, American veterans-some of whom never left Luxembourg-, the children of the GIs and legendary photographer Tony Vaccaro, famous for his pictures of the winter of 1944.

  1. Andy Bausch

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. André Jung

    André Jung


Full Cast & Crew

Chocolate, Chewing Gum & Brown Babies
Chocolate, Chewing Gum & Brown Babies

Original Title Schockela, Knätschgummi a brong Puppelcher

Status Released

Original Language Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch

Budget -

Revenue -


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