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Weinstein (2018)

PG 2018/03/01 (GB) 다큐멘터리 50m
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로그인하여 TMDB의 새로운 등급 시스템을 이용하세요.

This is a filthy stable and Harvey is merely the guy who took the biggest dump in it.


Harvey Weinstein was once one of the most successful producers in Hollywood history, but beneath the glitz and glamour, there was a dark story of threats, bullying and allegations of sexual assault. As Hollywood prepares to celebrate the 90th Academy Awards, Panorama investigates Weinstein's spectacular fall from grace and the extraordinary efforts he made to silence his accusers. This one-hour special, co-produced with PBS Frontline, examines the complex web of lawyers, journalists and private detectives deployed to keep Weinstein's secrets hidden.

  1. Jane McMullen


  2. Leo Telling


주요 출연진

총 출연진 & 제작진

Weinstein에 추가된 동영상, 배경사진, 포스터 없음.

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