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Dismal (2008)

R 08/03/2008 (US) 1h 30m
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Businessman Bill Masterson is out of his element on a long fishing weekend, but outdoorsman Matt Murphy is there to help. Or so Bill thinks. Matt has his own reasons for bringing Bill out into the 100,000 acres of Virginia's Great Dismal Swamp. The swamp has plans of its own, and the men struggle against natural dangers, otherworldly scares and a predator -- in the form of reclusive survivalist Croaker Norge. Croaker will do anything to remain undetected and is quick to punish anyone who crosses him. The men's wives, Cindy Murphy and Tina Masterson sense something's wrong and start searching for their men. Even as they convince Ranger Rettig to call up an all-out search, Croaker takes things into his own powerful hands. A twisting physical battle turns into a twisted psychological war -- both sides determined to stay alive and free. Anyone can enter -- but not everyone leaves the Great Dismal Swamp alive.

  1. Ray Brown


Top Billed Cast

  1. Mark Joy

    Mark Joy

    Ranger Rettig

  2. William Gregory Lee

    William Gregory Lee

    Bill Masterson

  3. Scott Thomas

    Scott Thomas

    Matt Murphy

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

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