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You Will Be Mine (2009)

03/11/2009 (US) MusicDrama 1h 36m
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Marie leaves home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyons. Through lack of money, she is obliged to share an apartment with Emma, a friend of the family who has lived alone since the death of her father. The two young women develop a strange fascination for one another, which soon develops into an intense mutual need...

  1. Sophie Laloy

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Jean-Luc Gaget


  3. Éric Veniard


Top Billed Cast

  1. Judith Davis

    Judith Davis

    Marie Dandin

  2. Isild Le Besco

    Isild Le Besco


  3. Johan Libéreau

    Johan Libéreau

    Sami Decker

  4. Édith Scob

    Édith Scob

    Mademoiselle Lainé

  5. Fabienne Babe

    Fabienne Babe

    Odile Dandin

  6. Marc Chapiteau

    Marc Chapiteau

    Hervé Dandin

  7. Cécile Laloy

    Cécile Laloy


  8. Ondine Desfosses


  9. Lucie Bourdeu

    Lucie Bourdeu


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

You Will Be Mine
You Will Be Mine

Original Title Je te mangerais

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget $3,000,000.00

Revenue -


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