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The Oblong Box (1969)

PG 06/11/1969 (US) Horror 1h 35m
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Some things are better left buried.


Evil lurks in the gloomy house at Markham Manor where a deranged Sir Edward is the chained prisoner of his brother Julian. When Sir Edward escapes, he embarks on a monstrous killing spree, determined to seek revenge on all those whom he feels have double-crossed him.

  1. Gordon Hessler


  2. Lawrence Huntington


Top Billed Cast

  1. Vincent Price

    Vincent Price

    Sir Julian Markham

  2. Christopher Lee

    Christopher Lee

    Dr. J. Neuhartt

  3. Rupert Davies

    Rupert Davies

    Joshua Kemp

  4. Uta Levka

    Uta Levka


  5. Sally Geeson

    Sally Geeson

    Sally Baxter

  6. Alister Williamson

    Alister Williamson

    Sir Edward Markham

  7. Peter Arne

    Peter Arne

    Samuel Trench

  8. Hilary Dwyer

    Hilary Dwyer

    Lady Elizabeth Markham

  9. Maxwell Shaw


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Oblong Box
The Oblong Box

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $175,000.00

Revenue -


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