The Legend of Black Snake (2019)

12 02/20/2019 (FR) Comedy 1h 22m
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After years spent in Paris, Clotaire Sangala returns to his native country, Africa. Raised by a Chinese martial arts grandfather, convinced to have been found in a garbage can, Clotaire knows nothing of the glorious past of his parents. He will become "Black Snake", the masked and ultra-sapped superhero, liberator of the people against the dictator Hezekiah.

  1. Thomas Ngijol

    Director, Writer

  2. Karole Rocher


  3. Jean-Pascal Zadi


  4. Alexandre Gonzales


Top Billed Cast

  1. Thomas Ngijol

    Thomas Ngijol

    Clotaire Sangala

  2. Karole Rocher

    Karole Rocher

    Françoise Langlos

  3. Édouard Baer

    Édouard Baer

    Henry Thouvenel

  4. Michel Gohou

    Michel Gohou


  5. Thembaletu Ntuli

    Thembaletu Ntuli

    Little Mamadou

  6. Sabine Pakora

    Sabine Pakora


  7. Jérôme Le Banner

    Jérôme Le Banner

    Beaumont aka Le gitan

  8. Tapa Sudana

    Tapa Sudana


  9. Lindsay Karamoh

    Lindsay Karamoh


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Legend of Black Snake
The Legend of Black Snake

Original Title Black Snake, la légende du serpent noir

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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