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The Rifleman (2019)

12+ 11/11/2019 (LV) WarDramaHistory 2h 4m
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The love story of sixteen-year-old Arturs is interrupted by the First World War. After losing his mother and his home, he finds some consolation in joining the army, because this is the first time national battalions are allowed in the Russian Empire. But war is nothing like Arturs imagined – no glory, no fairness. It is brutal and painful. Arturs is now completely alone as war takes the lives of his father and brother. Also, no progress is made in the promised quick resolution of the war and timely return home. Within the notion that only he alone cares about returning home and that his homeland is just a playground for other nations, Arturs finds strength for the final battle and eventually returns home to start everything from scratch, just like his newly born country.

  1. Aleksandrs Grīns


  2. Dzintars Dreibergs


  3. Boris Frumin


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The Rifleman
The Rifleman

Original Title Dvēseļu putenis

Status Released

Original Language Latvian

Budget -

Revenue -


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