Jelgava '94 (2019)

18 09/17/2019 (LV) Drama 1h 20m
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Film takes us deep inside the world of Latvian teenagers in 90s: combining the intimate diary of a teenager Jānis trying to find himself by joining a subculture, as well as a skillful, detailed and almost documentary-like depiction of the beginnings of the second independence of Latvia. “Jelgava ’94” is a portrait of a generation in the 1990s who are searching for their own identity and are fans of alternative culture. This is a touching story about us as youngsters, when everybody is against the whole world and tries not to become “one of them”. But can one keep the promise? The story is based on the best seller by Jānis Joņevs set in the 1994 in the Latvian city of Jelgava.

  1. Jānis Ābele


  2. Matīss Gricmanis


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Jelgava '94
Jelgava '94

Status Released

Original Language Latvian

Budget -

Revenue -


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