My Nature (2016)

10/04/2016 (IT) 1h 15m
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How many times can we change our life? How often are we willing to follow our nature to the fullest? To what extent do we know how to listen to ourselves and relate to others, different, but equal to us in depth? Simone (Simon in Italian) was born with female genitalia and he always felt himself as being male. He started questioning his gender since his childhood but as a teenager that conflict became unbearable. This journey led him to achieve a new, crucial stage: transitioning from woman to man. At the age of 40 Simone realizes that despite the sex change, still he does not feel happy at all. A reverse journey was needed from the inside. He quits a job that he didn't like and decides to move from his native Caserta in Southern Italy to the Umbria region, in Central Italy, in order to learn to love himself and get rid of his cages. Simone understands how to pursue his own freedom through a deep contact with Nature: his and that of others.

  1. Massimiliano Ferraina


  2. Gianluca Loffredo


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