Victorious Square (2019)

U 11/06/2019 (FR) ComedyDrama 1h 42m
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An improbable encounter between Bruno, in his forties marginalized by professional and family setbacks, and Gagic, little street boy, mischievous and pilferer. Bruno will gradually come to the surface, guided by this little solar boy, full of mischief and poetry.

  1. Yoann Guillouzouic

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Guillaume de Tonquédec

    Guillaume de Tonquédec


  2. Piti Puia

    Piti Puia


  3. Richard Bohringer

    Richard Bohringer

    Le propriétaire de l'appartement

  4. Clara Ponsot

    Clara Ponsot

    La voisine

  5. Gwendolyn Gourvenec

    Gwendolyn Gourvenec


  6. Claire Borotra

    Claire Borotra

    L'épouse de Bruno

  7. Amélia Lacquemant

    Amélia Lacquemant

    La fille de Bruno

  8. Jules Pacini

    Jules Pacini

    Le fils de Bruno

  9. Jean-François Cayrey

    Jean-François Cayrey

    Le beau-frère de Bruno

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Victorious Square
Victorious Square

Original Title Place des victoires

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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