It's a Complex World (1992)

R 02/28/1992 (US) ComedyMusic 1h 21m
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A rock and roll comedy that will blow you away


A band of would-be terrorists threaten to blow up the Heartbreak Hotel, Providence's most notorious rock club. Featuring extended live performances by The Young Adults and Morris Brock.

  1. Jim Wolpaw


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Top Billed Cast

  1. Stanley Matis

    Morris Brock

  2. Daniel von Bargen

    Daniel von Bargen


  3. margo dionne


  4. Dan Welch

    Jeff Burgess

  5. Dorothy Gallagher


  6. Louis Albano

    Louis Albano

    Boris Lee

  7. Tilman Gandi Jr.

    Tilman Gandi Jr.

  8. Michael Cobb

    Phil, the Bartender

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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