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Reverse Angle (2009)

18A 05/03/2009 (US) TV MovieActionDramaMystery 1h 30m
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In the remote, sun soaked Pennsylvanian countryside, Ned Larson - a retired professor and reclusive inventor is killed in an explosion at his home. Soon after, small-time investigative journalist Eve Pretson crawls from the wreckage of a burnt out car nearby. She suffers a complete loss of memory - with no recollection of who she is or anything that preceded the accident. Weak and disorientated, she stops at a gas station for help, but instead witnesses the murder of a local mechanic. How are these events connected? In a desperate search for answers, Eve pieces together the scattered fragments of her life, becoming ever more fearful of all she uncovers.

  1. Philippe Gagnon


  2. Peter Vanderwall


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Original Language English

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